use strict; use warnings; use File::Temp; use Test::More tests => 21; use Rex::Config; my $ssh_cfg1 = < 1 ); ok( open( my $FH1, '>', $tempdir . '/cfg1' ), 'Opened cfg1' ); print $FH1 $ssh_cfg1; ok( close($FH1), 'Closed cfg1' ); %Rex::Config::SSH_CONFIG_FOR = (); Rex::Config::read_ssh_config_file( $tempdir . '/cfg1' ); my $c = \%Rex::Config::SSH_CONFIG_FOR; is( $c->{'web'}->{'user'}, 'root' ); isnt( $c->{'web'}->{'user'}, 'root ' ); is( $c->{'web'}->{'hostname'}, '' ); is( $c->{'frontend1'}->{'user'}, 'bogey' ); is( $c->{'frontend1'}->{'hostname'}, 'fe80::1' ); is( $c->{'frontend1'}->{'port'}, 35221 ); ok( open( my $FH2, '>', $tempdir . '/cfg2' ), 'Opened cfg2' ); print $FH2 $ssh_cfg2; ok( close($FH2), 'Closed cfg2' ); %Rex::Config::SSH_CONFIG_FOR = (); Rex::Config::read_ssh_config_file( $tempdir . '/cfg2' ); is( $c->{'frontend2'}->{'user'}, '123' ); is( $c->{'frontend2'}->{'hostname'}, '' ); is( $c->{'frontend2'}->{'port'}, 1005 ); is( $c->{'some'}->{'port'}, '3306' ); is( $c->{'other'}->{'port'}, '3306' ); is( $c->{'hosts'}->{'port'}, '3306' ); my @lines = eval { local (@ARGV) = ("t/ssh_config.1"); <>; }; my %data = Rex::Config::_parse_ssh_config(@lines); ok( exists $data{"*"}, "Host * exists" ); ok( exists $data{"*"}->{stricthostkeychecking}, "Host * / StrictHostKeyChecking exists" ); ok( $data{"*"}->{stricthostkeychecking} eq "no", "Host * / StrictHostKeyChecking and contains 'no'" ); ok( exists $data{"*"}->{userknownhostsfile}, "Host * / UserKnownHostsFile exists" ); ok( $data{"*"}->{userknownhostsfile} eq "/dev/null", "Host * / UserKnownHostsFile and contains '/dev/null'" ); 1;