use strict; use warnings; use Test::More tests => 32; use Rex::Commands::Iptables; my @iptables_list_1 = ( "# Generated by iptables-save v1.4.12 on Fri Nov 16 22:20:13 2012", "*nat", ":PREROUTING ACCEPT [831648:47063372]", ":INPUT ACCEPT [71162:4082850]", ":OUTPUT ACCEPT [159345:9708626]", ":POSTROUTING ACCEPT [263463:17336449]", "-A PREROUTING -d -p tcp -m tcp --dport 25 -j DNAT --to-destination", "COMMIT", "*foo", "-A syn_flood -p tcp -m tcp --tcp-flags FIN,SYN,RST,ACK SYN -m limit --limit 25/sec --limit-burst 50 -j RETURN", ); my $rules = Rex::Commands::Iptables::_iptables_list(@iptables_list_1); ok( exists $rules->{nat}, "found nat tables" ); is( $rules->{nat}->[0]->[0], "A", "first is append" ); is( $rules->{nat}->[0]->[1], "PREROUTING", "append to prerouting" ); is( $rules->{nat}->[0]->[2], "d", "should be destination" ); is( $rules->{nat}->[0]->[3], "", "to destination" ); is( $rules->{nat}->[0]->[4], "p", "should be proto" ); is( $rules->{nat}->[0]->[5], "tcp", "tcp" ); is( $rules->{nat}->[0]->[6], "m", "in module" ); is( $rules->{nat}->[0]->[7], "tcp", "tcp" ); is( $rules->{nat}->[0]->[8], "dport", "should be destination port" ); is( $rules->{nat}->[0]->[9], "25", "dport 25" ); is( $rules->{nat}->[0]->[10], "j", "jump to" ); is( $rules->{nat}->[0]->[11], "DNAT", "dnating" ); is( $rules->{nat}->[0]->[12], "to-destination", "should be forwarded to destination" ); is( $rules->{nat}->[0]->[13], "", "" ); ok( exists $rules->{foo}, "found foo table" ); is( $rules->{foo}->[0]->[0], "A", "frist is append" ); is( $rules->{foo}->[0]->[1], "syn_flood", "append to sys_flood" ); is( $rules->{foo}->[0]->[2], "p", "should use protocol" ); is( $rules->{foo}->[0]->[3], "tcp", "proto tcp" ); is( $rules->{foo}->[0]->[4], "m", "in module" ); is( $rules->{foo}->[0]->[5], "tcp", "tcp module" ); is( $rules->{foo}->[0]->[6], "tcp-flags", "should match tcp flags" ); is( $rules->{foo}->[0]->[7], "FIN,SYN,RST,ACK SYN", "only these flags" ); is( $rules->{foo}->[0]->[8], "m", "should use module" ); is( $rules->{foo}->[0]->[9], "limit", "limit module" ); is( $rules->{foo}->[0]->[10], "limit", "limit the bandwidth" ); is( $rules->{foo}->[0]->[11], "25/sec", "to 25 req per second" ); is( $rules->{foo}->[0]->[12], "limit-burst", "use burst" ); is( $rules->{foo}->[0]->[13], "50", "up to 50" ); is( $rules->{foo}->[0]->[14], "j", "jump to" ); is( $rules->{foo}->[0]->[15], "RETURN", "RETURN" );