use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; my %have_mods = ( 'Net::SSH2' => 1, 'Net::OpenSSH' => 1, ); for my $m ( keys %have_mods ) { my $have_mod = 1; eval "use $m;"; if ($@) { $have_mods{$m} = 0; } } unless ( $have_mods{'Net::SSH2'} or $have_mods{'Net::OpenSSH'} ) { plan skip_all => 'SSH module not found. You need Net::SSH2 or Net::OpenSSH to connect to servers via SSH.'; } else { plan tests => 36; } use Rex::Task; use Rex::Commands; { no warnings 'once'; $::QUIET = 1; } my $t1 = Rex::Task->new( name => "foo" ); isa_ok( $t1, "Rex::Task", "create teask object" ); is( $t1->get_connection_type, "Local", "get connection type for local" ); is( $t1->is_local, 1, "is task local" ); is( $t1->is_remote, 0, "is task not remote" ); $t1->set_server(""); is( $t1->server->[0], "", "get/set server" ); is( $t1->is_local, 0, "is task not local" ); $t1->set_desc("Description"); is( $t1->desc, "Description", "get/set description" ); is( $t1->get_connection_type, ( $have_mods{"Net::OpenSSH"} && $^O !~ m/^MSWin/ ? "OpenSSH" : "SSH" ), "get connection type for ssh" ); is( $t1->want_connect, 1, "want a connection?" ); $t1->modify( "no_ssh", 1 ); is( $t1->want_connect, 0, "want no connection?" ); is( $t1->get_connection_type, "Fake", "get connection type for fake" ); $t1->modify( "no_ssh", 0 ); is( $t1->want_connect, 1, "want a connection?" ); is( $t1->get_connection_type, ( $have_mods{"Net::OpenSSH"} && $^O !~ m/^MSWin/ ? "OpenSSH" : "SSH" ), "get connection type for ssh" ); Rex::Config->set( "connection" => "SSH" ); is( $t1->get_connection_type, "SSH", "get connection type for ssh" ); Rex::Config->set( "connection" => "OpenSSH" ); is( $t1->get_connection_type, "OpenSSH", "get connection type for ssh" ); $t1->set_user("root"); is( $t1->user, "root", "get/set the user" ); $t1->set_password("f00b4r"); is( $t1->password, "f00b4r", "get/set the password" ); is( $t1->name, "foo", "get task name" ); $t1->set_auth( "user", "foo" ); is( $t1->user, "foo", "set auth user" ); $t1->set_auth( "password", "baz" ); is( $t1->password, "baz", "set auth password" ); my $test_var = 0; $t1->set_code( sub { $test_var = connection()->server; } ); Rex::Config->set( "connection" => $have_mods{"Net::OpenSSH"} && $^O !~ m/^MSWin/ ? "OpenSSH" : "SSH" ); ok( !$t1->connection->is_connected, "connection currently not established" ); $t1->modify( "no_ssh", 1 ); $t1->connect("localtest"); ok( $t1->connection->is_connected, "connection established" ); $t1->run("localtest"); is( $test_var, "localtest", "task run" ); $t1->disconnect(); my $before_hook = 0; $t1->delete_server; is( $t1->is_remote, 0, "task is no more remote" ); is( $t1->is_local, 1, "task is now local" ); $t1->modify( before => sub { my $server = shift; my $server_ref = shift; $before_hook = 1; $$server_ref = "local02"; } ); my $server = $t1->current_server; $t1->run_hook( \$server, "before" ); is( $before_hook, 1, "run before hook" ); is( $t1->is_remote, 1, "task is now remote" ); is( $t1->is_local, 0, "task is no more local" ); $t1->modify( before => sub { my $server = shift; my $server_ref = shift; $before_hook = 2; $$server_ref = "<local>"; } ); $server = $t1->current_server; $t1->run_hook( \$server, "before" ); is( $before_hook, 2, "run before hook - right direction" ); is( $t1->is_remote, 0, "task is no not remote" ); is( $t1->is_local, 1, "task is now local" ); task( "ret_test1", sub { return "string"; } ); task( "ret_test2", sub { return ( "e1", "e2" ); } ); task( "param_test1", sub { my $param = shift; is_deeply( $param, { name => "foo" }, "First parameter to task is a hashRef" ); } ); task( "param_test2", sub { is_deeply( \@_, [ "city", "bar" ], "Parameters are a list (length 2)." ); } ); task( "param_test3", sub { is_deeply( \@_, [ "blah", "blub", "bumm" ], "Parameters are a list (length 3)." ); } ); my $s = ret_test1(); is( $s, "string", "task successfully returned a string" ); my @l = ret_test2(); is_deeply( \@l, [ "e1", "e2" ], "task successfully returned a list" ); param_test1( { name => "foo" } ); param_test2( city => "bar" ); param_test3( "blah", "blub", "bumm" );