use strict; use warnings; use Test::More tests => 18; use Rex::Config; use Rex::Commands; use Rex::Template; my $t = Rex::Template->new; my $content = 'one two three'; is( $t->parse( $content, {} ), "one two three", "just text" ); $content = 'Hello this is <%= $::name %>'; is( $t->parse( $content, { name => "foo" } ), "Hello this is foo", "simple variable" ); $content = '<% if($::logged_in) { %> Logged in! <% } else { %> Logged out! <% } %>'; my $content_ok = " Logged in! "; is( $t->parse( $content, { logged_in => 1 } ), $content_ok, "if condition" ); $content = 'Hello this is <%= $::name %>'; is( Rex::Config->get_template_function()->( $content, { name => "baz" } ), "Hello this is baz", "get template function" ); is( $t->parse( $content, name => "bar" ), "Hello this is bar", "simple variable without hashRef" ); $Rex::Template::BE_LOCAL = 1; $Rex::Template::BE_LOCAL = 1; $content = 'Hello this is <%= $foo %>'; is( $t->parse( $content, { foo => "baz" } ), "Hello this is baz", "local vars" ); $content = '<%= join(",", @{ $arr }) %>'; is( $t->parse( $content, { arr => [qw/one two three/] } ), "one,two,three", "local var with array" ); # # old variable style # $content = 'one two three'; is( $t->parse( $content, {} ), "one two three", "just text" ); $content = 'Hello this is <%= $::name %>'; is( $t->parse( $content, { name => "foo" } ), "Hello this is foo", "simple variable" ); $content = '<% if($::logged_in) { %> Logged in! <% } else { %> Logged out! <% } %>'; $content_ok = " Logged in! "; is( $t->parse( $content, { logged_in => 1 } ), $content_ok, "if condition" ); $content = 'Hello this is <%= $::name %>'; is( Rex::Config->get_template_function()->( $content, { name => "baz" } ), "Hello this is baz", "get template function" ); is( $t->parse( $content, name => "bar" ), "Hello this is bar", "simple variable without hashRef" ); $content = 'Hello this is <%= $::foo %> <%= $::veth1_0_ip %>'; is( $t->parse( $content, { foo => "baz", "veth1.0_ip" => "" } ), "Hello this is baz", "template with invalid key name" ); my $v = { "foo" => { val => "val1", name => "foo" }, "foo_bar" => { val => "val2", name => "foo_bar" }, "k-ey" => { val => "val3", name => "k_ey" }, "veth0.1" => { val => "val4", name => "veth0_1" }, "2nd\\key" => { val => "val5", name => "2nd_key" }, }; for my $key ( keys %{$v} ) { my $var_name = Rex::Template::_normalize_var_name($key); is( $var_name, $v->{$key}->{name}, "$var_name is equal to " . $v->{$key}->{name} ); }