Revision history for Perl extension Carp::Always.
0.15_02 Fri Aug 10 2018 TRIAL RELEASE
[Compatibility fixes]
- Disable bogus warnings on perl ≤ 5.8.8
- Restore compatibility with Carp < 1.25
0.15_01 Fri Aug 10 2018 TRIAL RELEASE
- Fix long standing bug with duplicate tracebacks
(when carp / croak / cluck / confess were used) RT#123354
- Fix long standing bug when message ended at " at WHATEVER"
RT#96561 GH#2
0.15 Thu Aug 9 2018
- Promoted to stable release
0.14_05 Thu Aug 9 2018 TRIAL RELEASE
- Fix one test for the sake of Carp ≤ 1.25
0.14_04 Thu Aug 9 2018 TRIAL RELEASE
- [EXPERIMENTAL] Prepare for extensions
- Fix switching off and on
0.14_03 Thu Aug 9 2018 TRIAL RELEASE
- Document import() and unimport()
- Internal refactoring: Carp::Always::_longmess()
0.14_02 Thu Aug 9 2018 TRIAL RELEASE
- Carp::Always enabling via import() -
that means "use Carp::Always" works, but not "use Carp::Always ()"
- Carp::Always disabling via unimport() -
That means disabling can be done with "no Carp::Always"
- Carp::Always doesn't use BEGIN and END blocks anymore
0.14_01 Thu Aug 9 2018 TRIAL RELEASE
- Tighter regex to suppress " at FILE line LINE.\n" RT#96561
- Tests for edge cases of warn () and die ()
0.14 Wed Aug 8 2018
- Promoted to stable release
0.13_03 Wed Aug 8 2018 TRIAL RELEASE
- t/010simple.t is a required test
- Pruning docs of old cruft
0.13_02 Wed Aug 8 2018 TRIAL RELEASE
- Add Devel::Confess to See Also
- Change bugtracker to GitHub
- Fine tuning to POD test
0.13_01 Wed Aug 8 2018 TRIAL RELEASE
- No code change
- Fine-tuning of prereqs
[thanks Shawn Carroll]
- Test::Pod and Test::Pod::Coverage as author tests again
- Added LICENSE file
0.13 Wed Nov 6 2012
- Test::More and Test::Base go to TEST_REQUIRES
- Test::Pod and Test::Pod::Coverage as author tests
(solves RT#87423)
0.12 Tue Aug 21 2012
- fix failing t/pod.t due to bad encoding (RT#77656)
0.11 Wed Apr 18 2011
- fix test failure with Carp 1.25+ RT#75320 [thanks ANDK and greeneg]
- Test::Base is required in BUILD (otherwise we haven't tested anything)
0.10 Fri Aug 19 2011
- fix typo in POD RT#68793 (also reported by Kai Moonbourn)
- Carp::Always ate part of errors like 'foo at bar' RT#57385
(fix borrowed from Carp::Always::Color)
- deal with non-string exceptions
(borrowed from Carp::Always:Color as well)
0.09 Mon Jul 30 2007
- no need for updating
- lib/Carp/ was moved to the deprecate
Carp-Indeed distribution
0.08 Tue Mar 20 2007
- no need for updating
- micro changes (POD, Makefile.PL, README)
0.07 Tue Oct 25 2006
- no real change, no need to upgrade
- added taint checking to tests, with shebang "#!perl -T\n"
- and moved to lib/Carp/
- "use strict" in
- $Carp::Indeed::VERSION = $Carp::Always::VERSION
0.06 Mon Jul 17 2006
- Carp::Indeed was superseded by Carp::Always
- now there is an END block
- there is a test for POD coverage
0.05 Tue May 30 2006
- remove @EXPORT_OK and all use of Exporter (which was good
for nothing) - a suggestion by Yuval Kogman via CPAN ratings
- simplified tests with Test::Base
0.04 Wed Oct 12 2005 (r198, tag)
- fixed mistakes at META.yml and t/002basic.t
- shortened documentation
0.03 Mon Oct 10 2005
- now using $SIG{__DIE__} and $SIG{__WARN__} to catch
perl generated warnings and errors as well
- added a test for perl generated warnings
- renamed "t/003pod.t" to "t/090pod.t"
- shortened "lib/Carp/" to "" (as
this is a module of an only PM file)
0.02 Thu Aug 5 2005
- POD minor fixes
- I should have said "NO_META => 1" in Makefile.PL instead
of "NO_META => 0"
- "use Carp qw(verbose)" instead of "require Carp; $Carp::Verbose=1"
was enough for carp() and croak() to be verbose too
0.01 Thu Aug 4 2005
- first realease to CPAN
0.00 Thu Aug 4 13:07:27 2005
- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
-AX -n Carp::Indeed