Revision history for Perl extension Devel::Hide.
0.0009 Mon Jan 28 2013
- avoid "defined @HIDDEN" which generates
a warning since Perl 5.15.7
CPAN RT #74225
0.0008 Thu Nov 15 2007
- no real code changes
- make t/050child-processes.t less clever for
Windows' sake: which choked with too long
argument and exec()
0.0007 Mon Nov 5 2007
- promoted: no longer a development release
- some POD fixes
- new option -from:children makes the selected
modules hidden from process children as well
(thanks to David Cantrell)
0.0005 Wed May 30 2007
- code reformatting with perltidy
- now warns about already loaded modules
- META.yml is auto-generated by Makefile.PL
- a bit of refactoring to affect code readability
- side effect: warnings are emitted at compile time
and at every import call - a hopefully better timing
- the package variable @HIDDEN does not change anymore
0.0004 Tue May 29 2007
- slight implementation change preparing for the big time
0.0003 Wed Oct 4 2006
- not a development version anymore
- get rid of warning at "t/003user.t"
- new test "t/098pod-coverage.t"
0.00_02 Sun Sep 25 2005
- lifted the requirement on perl 5.8: now 5.6.1 will do
(because it may use File::Temp to fake bad modules)
0.00_01 Tue Sep 20 2005
- first release to CPAN
0.00_00 Tue Sep 13 2005
- absolute beginning