Revision history for Devel-Hook.

0.006   Fri Feb 27 2014
        - BUG FIX: in CPAN RT #87054 Reini Urban
          pointed POD mistakes for the newer Perl's
        - Fixed t/03meta.t - warning about 
              use Test::More no_plan => 1;

0.005   Fri Mar  3 2008
        - fixed silly mistake in regex at t/10error.t
        - corrected the docs about the direct relationship
          of order in the array of blocks versus the
          execution order
        - added a test to verify the straighforward
          relation between array order and execution
          order of blocks
        - I discovered that in XS code testing for 
          PL_unitcheckav (with #ifdef) did not work as 
          intented - now trying with KEY_UNITCHECK
        - added an exploratory test for Perl semantics
          of special code blocks

0.004   Sun Mar  2 2008
        - support manipulating array of UNITCHECK blocks
          (for Perls that have it)
        - new test for bad block arguments
        - no actual need for ppport.h (considering API
          for 5.006+ Perls)

0.003   Sat Mar  1 2008
        - enable prototypes in Hook.xs
        - it is useless to try to support 5.005
          (big API changed introduced by 5.006 seems
          to have changed a lot of things)
        - perl minimum version is 5.006

0.002   Sat Mar  1 2008
        - fixed mistake and omissions in Makefile.PL
        - no 'our' for 5.005's sake
        - require warnings::compat (if < 5.006)
        - POD and POD coverage tests
        - (will it be enough to build/test/install in 5.005?)

0.001   Fri Feb 29 2008
        - first working and half-documented version