Revision history for Perl extension POD2::Base.
0.041 Sun Feb 24 2008
- POD2/PT/POD2/Base.pod is now a complete
Portuguese translation (without much review)
of POD2::Base docs
0.04 Sat Feb 23 2008
- File::Spec is a prereq now
- one more constructor param: 'inc'
- pod_dirs now accept options ('test')
- pod_dirs now search all over @INC for
"POD2/<lang>/" dirs
- included an example for listing lang-specific
installed files (eg/
- included a hoax of a Portuguese translation
for the documentation of this module
0.0301 Fri Feb 1 2008
- warning and vars in PREREQ_PM
- minor POD tweaks
0.03 Tue Sep 4 2007
- rewrote "lib/POD2/Base.pod"
0.02 Mon Sep 3 2007
- first version (after POD2::IT 0.11)
- request for comments at pod2it-translators
and roma-pm mailing lists