Revision history for Shell.

0.72_01 Wed Sep 30 2009
        - sync with blead

0.72    Fri Feb 2 2007
        - no real change
        - fixed test bug that produced false warning	

0.71    Wed Jul 7 2006
        - fixed POD: =begin private with no =end private
        - new tests t/01_use.t and t/99_pod.t

0.7     Wed Jul 6 2006 
        - using closures rather than eval "string" (r466)
        - tabs to spaces in sources (r468)
        - (change #28502 to bleadperl)

0.6     Wed Jul 5 2006
        - initial CPAN release

undef   Thu Sep 22 1994
        - Larry Wall posts to about
          "a new module [he] just wrote":