Revision history for Perl extension Shell::Perl.

0.0026  Sun Jan 08 12:40 PT 2017
    - fix t/20expect_quit.t when TERM is not set

0.0025  Sat Jan 07 11:59 PT 2017
    - requires version 0.77
    - requires Getopt::Long 2.43 – bundling_values

0.0024  Fri Jan 06 2017
    - every statement is now evalued by default
      with the current perl version running the shell
    - new shell command :set perl_version <version>
    - change in CLI options: case-sensitivity & no auto abbreviations
    - pirl -I dir1 -Idir2
    - drop File::Slurp as a prereq

0.0023  Fri Jan 14:05:00 2014
	- Update Makefile.PL from 'use 5.006' to 'use 5.008' as per RT#43117. Thanx ANDK.
	- Fix dates in this file.

0.0022  Sat Mar 12 12:00:00 2011
	- no real change
	- Fix test again for 5.6 sake
	- Improved Makefile.PL / META.yml

0.0021  Sat Mar 12 12:00:00 2011
	- no real change
	- New test fix for happy 5.6 testing

0.0020  Thu Mar 10 12:00:00 2011
	- no real change
	- Test fixes for keeping 5.6 happy

0.0019  Wed Mar 09 12:00:00 2011
	- Dumper updated to work with Data::Dump 1.16+

0.0018  Sat Oct 25 12:00:00 2008
	- fix t/11version.t to deal with IPC::Cmd $err
		as an error message (undef on success) rather
		than an error code (0 on success)
		[Thanks, Andreas, for spotting that]

0.0017  Sun Mar 09 12:00:00 2008
	- assume this is not supposed to work for Perls
		under 5.6.0
	- cope with noisy 5.6 blib at t/20expect_quit.t
		(illustrated by test report
	- pirl now accepts switches --version and -v
	- added IPC::Cmd and Test::Deep as prerequisites
		for testing

0.0016  Mon Mar 03 12:00:00 2008
	- quit is now a method
	- history is now persistent across sections
		(should work with T::RL::Gnu and T::RL::Perl)
	- new dependencies: File::HomeDir, Path::Class,
		and File::Slurp

0.0015  Fri Jul 27 12:00:00 2007
	- fixed 'quit'
	- the first of the Expect tests: t/20expect_quit.t
	- pirl now accepts switches --ornaments and --noornaments

0.0014  Thu Jul 26 12:00:00 2007
	- Shell::Perl now prints to the output stream of the
		associated term
	- new test t/10compile.t
	- :x is the same as :exit, :quit, :q
	- quit is an alias to "sub { exit }" in the sandbox package

0.0013  Thu Jun 21 12:00:00 2007
	- the dumpers now deparse Perl code
	- added new dumper based on Data::Dump::Streamer,
		no docs by now (try it with ":set out DDS")

0.0012  Thu Jun 21 12:00:00 2007
	- added an experimental "dump history" command
		(RT #26973, by mgrimes)
	- hopefully get rid of the double newline in eval output

0.0011  Thu Jun 21 12:00:00 2007
	- some minor improvements to Makefile.PL - conformance
		to META.yml specification
	- when dumping YAML, prefer YAML::Syck to YAML if available
	- we have a bug to fix: the REPL and the running interpreter
		share global state (like $_) and so relying on these
		between lines is not nice (to say the least)

0.0010  Wed Mar 14 12:00:00 2007
	- this is a read-eval-print loop and not a
		read-eval-loop, doh
	- total rewrite for the implementation of dumpers
	- new output style with the plain dumper (idea
		borrowed from Sepia by Sean O'Rourke)
	- Data::Dump, Data::Dumper, YAML are only required
		at runtime and fail gracefully if not there
	- the preferred dumper is via Data::Dump, but it
		falls back to Data::Dumper, YAML and the plain
		dumper according to availability
	- fix bug: inline contexts (like #scalar)
		were not being respected for printing
	- Makefile.PL required ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.31
		and we are more tolerant now (thanks, Lorn)
	- now the right line number is used at
		warnings and errors (Lorn again)

0.0009  Tue Mar 13 12:00:00 2007
	- forgot README in MANIFEST
	- the default evaluation package is now

0.0008  Tue Mar 13 12:00:00 2007
	- cmarcelo: some doc typos fixed
	- a SEE ALSO section
	- first CPAN release

0.0007  Wed Mar 07 12:00:00 2007
	- added some POD to and pirl source files

0.0006  Fri Feb 23 12:00:00 2007
	- sources imported to Google code (no history :(, yet)
	- patches by cmarcelo:
		* implement list and void contexts for evaluation
		* implement context override in a per-input basis
	- we have tests now, even though t/98pod-coverage.t
		does not pass yet

0.0005  Sat Jan 27 12:00:00 2007
	- relax the restrictions during eval - no strict qw(vars subs)

0.0004  Thu Jan 25 12:00:00 2007
	- the same changes as before, now working

0.0003  Thu Jan 25 12:00:00 2007
	- prompt changes with the script name
	- psh renamed to pirl
	- borked

0.0002  Wed Jan 24 12:00:00 2007
	- Date fabricated.

0.0001  Tue Jan 23 12:00:00 2007
	- Date fabricated.