Revision history for Perl extension Sort::Half::Maker.

0.03 Tue Feb 28 2007
          - t/02-basic.t "fixed" for 5.6: SKIP test
            which needs stable sort (which 5.6 doesn't have)
          - fixed bug that made lists with duplicates like 
            qw(a b a) sort like qw(b a) instead of qw(a b)

0.02 Fri Feb 23 2007
          - BEWARE! incompatible change: overhaul in argument names 
            for &make_halfsort -
                make_halfsort(pre => \@s, post => \@e, any => \&s)
                make_halfsort(start => \@s, end => \@e, fallback => \&s)
          - added LICENSE to Makefile.PL
          - fixed MANIFEST for CPANTS sake

0.01 Wed Feb 21 2007
          - absolute beginning