Revision history for Perl extension Test-HasVersion.

0.013 Sat Jan 2 2016
        - fix spelling error in manpage (CPAN #110709)
        - ...

0.012 Sat Sep 7 2006
        - Test::Builder is a prereq
        - test_version has version (same as

0.011 Mon Jul 17 2006
        - Test::Builder::Tester 1.04 restored compabibility
          and demanded changes to t/02_basic.t
        - minor tweaks in Makefile.PL (we a have a license there now)

0.01  Sat Jul 15 2006
        - first release to CPAN

undef Wed Jul 12 2006
        - Gabor Szabo posts a message to wondering
          about a Test module to check modules in a distro
          provide correct version information.