Revision history for WWW-CPAN.

0.013   Sat Jan  1 2016
        - Fixes to Makefile.PL (CPAN #43233)
        - Move from JSON::Any to JSON::MaybeXS (CPAN #102459)

0.012   Wed Feb 25 2015
        - Fixed problem with UTF8 content
        - Fixed t/03meta.t

0.011   Sat Mar  1 2008
        - try Cache::FileCache rather than Cache::File:
          it seems to work on Windows (at least more than
          Cache::File does)

0.010   Sat Mar  1 2008
        - experiment LWP::UserAgent::Determined to get
          rid of some failures in live test
        - dependency on LWP::UserAgent replaced by 
          L::UA::Determined for now
        - nope, it won't help: is playing
          tricks on me - the META.json of CPAN
          is auto-generated sometimes instead of
          being the one extracted from the current dist

0.009   Thu Feb 21 2008
        - 'search' is now the preferred name of 'query'
          in WWW:CPAN API
        - in cpanq, 'search' is now the preferred name
          of 'query' command
        - in cpanq, 'distmeta' is a synonym of 'meta'
        - cpanq now produces a usage message when
          no arguments are given
        - Pod::Usage is now a prereq

0.008   Tue Feb 19 2008
        - update dependency: Class::Constructor::Factory 
          renamed to Class::Lego::Constructor
        - usage pattern of Class::Lego::Constructor updated

0.007   Tue Jan 29 2008
        - minor internal change to load JSON/XML
        - cpanq does not display "$VAR1 = undef"
          on errors anymore
        - cpanq now uses a cache
        - the live test t/03meta.t announces itself
        - t/03meta.t can be skipped (given an argument
        - added t/98pod-coverage.t and t/99pod.t
        - added forgotten dependency on URI 
          (thanks, CPANTS!)

0.006    Sun Jan 27 2008
        - more tests (including a live test)

0.005    Sat Jan 26 2008
        - included a demo script: cpanq

0.004    Mon Jan 14 2008
        - query() added to the API
        - more POD
        - new dependency on XML::Simple

0.003    Wed Jan  9 2008
        - new dependency on Class::Lego::Myself

0.002    Thu Dec 27 2007
        - carp and return undef rather than die
        - more POD
        - Class::Constructor::Factory is used for generating
          the constructor with field default values

0.001    Wed Dec 26 2007
        - first CPAN release
        - new() and fetch_distmeta() is the whole API