- '<after ...>' - in :ratchet mode only

- the 'p' switch should now be specified as 'p => 0' instead of 'p => 1'.
  'p => 1' now matches at the second character in the string.
  The default is 'p => undef' - matches anywhere in the string.

- added ':ratchet' switch. 

- implemented parameters in subrule call (named only, constants only)

- '<before ...>', '$'

- new class 'Pugs::Grammar::Category'

- implemented '%hash', but it doesn't use a trie yet.

- fixed subrule backtracking

- fixed method 'perl5'

- Perl 5 emitter character classes (partially) implemented

0.02  2006-03-28

- new method 'perl5', returns a string that can be eval'ed into a new PCR object

- match variables are available inside the rule: $0, $1
- /(.)*/ returns an array in @$0

- built-in rules: alpha, alnum, ...

- fixed grammar bug: '$var := (xxx)' is: '$<var> := (xxx)'

- implemented ':' (untested)

- Added support for Grammar inheritance
- rule methods are internally curryed into functions

  $rule = sub { Grammar->rule_method( @_ ) }

- faster Rule grammar
- Simplified 'match', 'capture' keys in internal Match

- Initial CPAN release - Pod, Tests, Packaging by audreyt & others.