0.034 2010-08-31
- documentation fix
- clean up perl5 warnings
0.033 2010-08-30
- new v6.pm module loader.
Written by Pawel Murias (pmurias++)
- "v6-perlito" now loads the Perlito compiler
Removed features:
- "v6-alpha" (Pugs::Compiler::Perl6) no longer supported
- "-e" command-line option no longer supported
0.032 2008-08-01
- pi, Inf, NaN
- more operators
- IO fixes
0.031 2008-07-30
- updated skipped tests
0.030 2008-07-29
- more operators
0.029 2008-07-28
- updated skipped tests
0.028 2008-07-27
- all(), any(), true(), not()
- improved smartmatching, given/when
0.027 2008-07-25
- more unicode tests are skipped
0.026 2008-07-25
- requires Pugs::Compiler::Rule 0.34 - better unicode support across perl distros
0.025 2008-07-24
- more tests
- several unicode tests are skipped, from cpan-testers feedback (I can't reproduce these failures - fglock)
0.024 2008-07-23
- many more tests added; the bigger tests are now split into smaller files
0.023 2008-07-21
- requires perl 5.8.6
0.022 2008-07-20
- implemented string interpolations \x[99] and \c[FOUR TEARDROP-SPOKED ASTERISK]
- fixed interpolated block in string
- q()
- updated test list in MANIFEST
0.021 2008-07-12
- fixed Test.pm compilation (added 'abs' function)
- Makefile.PL adds 'use v6-alpha' to standard tests
0.020 2007-08-26
- added Module::CompileV6 to MANIFEST (fixes broken CPAN distro)
- fixed warnings when using v6.pm from the command line with pipes
0.019 2007-08-25
- grammar - added prefix:<|>
- added: proto token rx { ... }
- fixed signature parsing
- added: Module::CompileV6
- fixed unicode << ... >> parsing
- allow [ ... ] as regex delimiter
- minor fix in quoted string parser
- Moose requires that attributes have an 'is ro' declaration; noticed by kolibrie++
- @_ is now aliased to the list of positional arguments
- bare 'Str' is an object
- added syntax: 'term.meth: list'
- added syntax: 'meth(term: list)'
- requires Sub::Multi 0.003
0.018 2007-05-09
- renamed distro from 'v6-alpha' to 'v6' for proper CPAN indexing
0.017 2007-05-08
- fixed Makefile.PL
0.016 2006-12-14
- command-line switch -B can be set to alternate backends.
The default is '-Bperl5:Pugs::Emitter::Perl6::Perl5'.
'-Bperl5' also invokes the default backend.
- command-line switch -G can be set to alternate grammar frontends.
The default is '-Gperl5:Pugs::Grammar::Perl6'
- implemented grammar and emitter backends for YAML
Perl6->YAML + YAML->Perl5 now works
- added a version banner - perl lib/v6.pm -v
- eval() in caller's context
[devel only]
- moved Perl5 emitter to a separate module
- implemented $$/
- implemented :c and :g switches in rules:
' my $content = "xyz"; while $content ~~ m:c/<alpha>/ { say $/ } '
x \n y \n z \n
- implemented '$x.yaml' and 'eval( $x, :lang<yaml> )'
0.015 2006-09-14
- improved command-line interface, does not require using v6.pm as a
- MANIFEST only includes passing tests
- reuse Rule and Pod grammar from Pugs::Compiler::Rule
- These grammars are now implemented using v6.pm.
- The Rule grammar is subclassed, in order to callback P6 parser to
compile closures.
- improved quoted text parsing
- gradually replace Text::Balanced with plain rules
- Term::substitution() and rx_body() are the last remaining places.
- experimental implementation of compile-time objects
- lib/Pugs/Emitter/Perl6/Perl5/
- not merged yet - see misc/pX/fglock
0.014 2006-08-21
- optimized CPU usage (2x less) and RAM usage (3x less)
- implemented given/when/default/break/continue
- state variables
- implemented additional Array and Hash methods
- implemented @*INC, $?OS, $?COMPILER, $?VERSION
- implemented statement terminator block
- fixed scientific notation
- fixed '{}' (empty hash)
- %hash = ( { a => 1 }, { b => 2 } ) works
- 'my' works inside '//' and 'err'
- optimized match object insideout in Pugs::Compiler::Rule
- optimized operator-precedence parser (Parse::Yapp) initialization
0.013 2006-08-09
- includes precompiled v6 modules: Perl6Prelude.pm, Test.pm
- new grammatical categories: 'quote', 'statement_modifier'
0.012 2006-08-08
- faster compilation due to improved grammatical categories dispatching
and lazy rule compilation
- 'statement_control' grammatical category implemented
0.011 2006-07-24
- basic regex parsing and matching
- grammar/rule parsing
- support := with Data::Bind::bind_op2
- basic hash support
- class name barewords are allowed. Str and Bool in Prelude
- implement $?POSITION and $?CALLER::POSITION.
- 788 tests pass
0.010 2006-07-17
- better support for array and hash syntax; - clkao++
'sub' declarations are terms:
@b.map(sub ($x, $y) { $x + $y })
- 'loop' - clkao++
- fixed HACKING file formatting - snowstalker++
- fixed docs on 'use v6-alpha' - dduncan++
- 538 tests pass
0.009 2006-07-14
- reduce operators: say [*] 1..5
- 499 tests pass
0.008 2006-07-14
- 'use perl5:CGI'
- chain operators
- fixed precedence table
0.007 2006-07-12
- added HACKING file
- added Pugs::Runtime::Perl6Prelude
- added t/Test.pm
-- unmodified copy of pugs ext/Test/lib/Test.pm
- parsing is now done one statement at a time
-- this cuts memory needs by half while compiling Test.pm
- use v5; ... use v6;
-- inlines perl 5 code
- named enums
- bool::True, bool::False, true()
- unless, while
- setting $ENV{V6DUMPAST} can now be used for debugging the syntax tree
0.006 2006-07-06
- we now no longer use Parse::Yapp
- all expression parsing is done with Perl 6 grammar
- regex/token/rule declarations in Perl 6 are parsed
- uses Moose 0.10 for Perl 6 classes and objects
- squash warnings
0.005 2006-07-05
- all sanity tests, up and includes Test.pm from Pugs test suite, now passes
- uses Data::Bind for calling convention
- 'expr unless/if expr;'
0.003 - 0.004
- "Changed everything to make Test.pm compile"
- grammar rewrite; now uses Parse::Yapp for expressions only
0.002 2006-06-28
- added REQUIREMENTS section in v6.pm pod
-- see http://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=20152
- uses Moose.pm as the runtime for classes
-- implemented 'module' and 'class'
-- very basic support for 'has', 'method', and parameter list
-- Makefile.PL recommends 'Moose'
- properly parses pod
-- added t/01-pod.t
- more operators
-- added a default '.perl' implementation, which calls perl5 Dumper()
- v6.pm no longer searches in development lib directories
0.001 2006-06-26
- initial CPAN release