Revision history for Perl extension Algorithm-C3.

0.08 Thu. May 28, 2009
    - Fix a couple of doc typos.
    - Don't create a fake Makefile.PL.

0.07 Mon. May 14, 2007
    - Some very small optimizations had been
      gathering in the repo for a while, this
      gets them out to CPAN.  Probably won't
      notice much difference except in extreme

0.06 Fri. Nov. 17, 2006
    - Added tests from konobi
    - Added some other new tests too
    - Fixed infinite loop on recursive heirarchies

0.05 Fri. Aug. 25, 2006
    - Add the ability for the caller to supply a persistent
      merge cache hashref

0.04 Wed. Aug. 09, 2006
    - Remove accidental "use Class::C3" from t/006_complex_merge.t
      (no functional changes from 0.03)

0.03 Tue. Aug. 08, 2006
    - New test + bugfix for RT#20879

0.02 Sun. Jul. 30, 2006
    - code refactored for speed by Brandon L. Black

0.01 Wed. Feb. 15, 2006
    - initial release, code and tests taken from Class::C3