This file documents the revision history for Perl extension Catalyst-Devel.

1.15    2009-05-13 20:02
        - Remove -p option for pid file, and restore it to the port number,
          as it should be -port|-p (t0m)
        - Document -pidfile in POD (t0m)

1.14_02 2009-05-11 04:29
        - Small changes to work with File::ChangeNotify 0.03.

1.14_01 2009-05-11 03:45
        - This release moves the restarter functionality into a new
          module Catalyst::Restarter, that is not a Catalyst Engine

          The new restarter is simpler and more reliable, because it
          does not try to test if a changed piece of code can be
          compiled. It simply restarts the server whenever it detects
          changes. This also makes it much faster.

          However, this does mean that the server can simply die when
          a changed file cannot compile. This is different than the
          old behavior, where the server remained running without
          incorporating the change.

          Finally, the new restarter relies on File::ChangeNotify,
          which is designed to accomodate per-OS methods of detecting
          changed files. As of this writing, it currently ships with a
          file watcher that uses inotify on Linux systems, and a
          default fallback class that does everything in pure Perl.

1.13    2009-05-11 02:50
        - add [-pidfile|-p] option for (caelum)
        - Bump dependency on Config::General (caelum)
        - On perls with c3 method dispatch, make sure Class::C3 is recent
          enough to not produce warnings if it is already installed (caelum)
        - add resources to META.yml (caelum)

1.12    2009-04-26 15:42
        - Remove the deprecated BindLex from the help message (rafl)

1.11    2009-04-22 19:02
        - Add check for "Unknown error" bug (caelum)
        - Change generated scripts to use /usr/bin/env perl if /usr/bin/env
          exists, otherwise fall back to the current perl binary. (t0m)
        - Fix getopt spec in generated scripts to match docs (rjbs)
        - Additional documentation (ash)
        - Informational message after an application is created (kd)
        - Add a -background option to the dev server (duncs)

1.10    2009-02-05 15:04
        - fix a bug in created helper scripts that prevened them working (rjbs)

1.09    2009-02-04 23:57
        - Add Sebastian's PROJECT FOUNDER note to as requested
        - Fix warning when devel is not installed.

1.08    2008-07-13 18:00
        - Revert to use Catalyst qw/@plugins/
        - Require Config::General instead of YAML

1.07    2008-05-28
        - helpers now create default :Path and index :Path :Args(0)
        - Moved to generate .conf rather than YAML
        - Made a warning in the generated Makefile.PL not to delete it.
        -  Incorrect generated pod.

1.06    2008-04-09 08:19:00
        - load plugins in setup, not plugins. (

1.05    2008-04-07 11:55:00
        - Add missing parent dependency to created projects.

1.04    2008-04-06 16:04:00
        - Update default actions in
        - Patch so Module::Pluggable::Object ignores emacs temp
          files appropriately for restarting server
        - Patched so the correct options for mulitple restart
          directories and symlink resolution will be set in
          (Sebastian Willert)
        - Change from use Catalyst to use parent and load plugins  in setup call
        - Remove Catalyst::Manual dependency.

1.03    2007-08-10 08:10:00
        - Changed default dependency to Catalyst::Runtime
        - Added BindLex example to create script
        - Don't change a manually-specified engine when using the
          -r switch with

1.02    2006-11-15  16:45:00
        - Added dep to Catalyst::Manual
        - added option to send errors to STDOUT in fastcgi script

1.01    2006-09-17 23:49:00
        - Upped M::I dependency
        - fix for warnings

1.00    2006-07-06 19:23:00
        - Initial release