Revision history for Perl extension Catalyst::Plugin::FillInForm.

0.11  2009-06-30 22:55:53
        - Port from NEXT to MRO::Compat.
        - Suppress warning in Catalyst 5.80 caused by assigning undef
          to the body

0.10  2008-12-31 17:08:00
        - Suppress potential HTML::FillInForm warning (jhannah)

0.09  2008-04-29 11:48:00
        - PREREQS typo

0.08  2008-04-12 13:16:00
        - Updated to Module::Install;
        - Added build_requires RenderView

0.07  2008-04-11 21:49:00
        - Changed all references of output -> body.
        - Added tests & docs (jhannah)

0.06  2005-06-11 00:42:00
        - docs heavily rewritten

0.05  2005-05-26 14:43:00
        - $c->fillform now takes an optional hashref

0.04  2005-04-18 23:00:00
        - fixed some renaming issues

0.03  2005-04-15 16:12:00
        - Added pod tests
        - Extended documentation.

0.02  2005-02-03 02:00:00 
        - $c->stash->{error} support

0.01  2005-01-28 22:00:00 
        - first release