Revision history for Catalyst-View-HTML-Mason

0.18      2011-05-27 08:57:34 Europe/Berlin

 * Bump dependencies on Capture::Tiny and Catalyst::Helper to 0.10 and 1.33,
   respectively. This fixes occasional failures in t/helper.t.

0.17      2011-05-15 12:48:31 Europe/Berlin

 * Better documentation for the globals attribute.

0.16      2011-05-03 10:03:08 America/Los_Angeles

 * fixed exceptions.t to pass with Catalyst 5.89+ (Dave Rolsky)

0.15      2010-10-01 17:23:44 PST8PDT

 * fixed handling of globals attr when it is just a single string

0.11      2010-09-24 19:39:49 PST8PDT

 * add missing build dep on Catalyst::Helper

0.10      2010-09-23 18:27:39 PST8PDT

 * Fixed helper class (rbuels)
 * Added docs for render method (rafl)
 * Miscellaneous doc cleanup (rafl)

0.02     Aug 20, 2010

 * Added missing dep on Catalyst::Action::RenderView (rbuels)

0.01     Aug 18, 2010

 * First version, released on an unsuspecting world (rafl)