Revision history for Perl extension Catalyst::View::Mason.
0.17 Sun, 29 Mar 2009 21:26:35 +0200
Florian Ragwitz (6):
Improvement for pod generated by the helper.
Make the generated views use parent instead of base.
Properly use default_view in the tests.
Don't render things twice in the render tests.
Simplify testcover Makefile target.
Switch the default for use_match to the new behaviour.
Justin Hunter (1):
Switch from NEXT to MRO::Compat.
0.16 Wed, 28 May 2008 15:43:23 +0200
Florian Ragwitz (19):
Don't runn t/{kwalitee,notabs,pod,podcoverage,strict}.t unless AUTHOR_TEST is set.
Add a fake shebang for t/{01use,pod,podcoverage}.t.
Add an authortest target to the Makefile.
Test always_append_template_extension.
Document always_append_template_extension.
Implement always_append_template_extension.
Add a test for filename portability.
Add examples and default value to the docs for all options.
Add a test for data_dir defaults to be different for different applications and users.
Build the data_dir default from the application name and the user id.
Documentation fix.
Catalyst::Component::new gets $app, not $c.
Remove the file portability test.
Move the release tests to xt and use M::I::ExtraTests to run them during make disttest only.
Specify license in Makefile.PL.
Add provides field to META.yml.
Documentation update.
Update README.
Specify author in Makefile.PL as M::I fails to extract it.
0.15 Tue, 16 Oct 2007 11:31:30 +0200
- Factor out get_component_path to allow better subclassing (SCHWIGON).
- Test the above.
0.14 Mon, 15 Oct 2007 15:14:26 +0200
- Test comp_root stringification.
- Allow array ref comp_roots.
- Improve POD.
- Make the testcover target depend on pm_to_blib.
- Add a Makefile target for generating README.
- Update README.
- Silence some warnings in t/helper.t if Test::File isn't present.
- Fix a POD typo.
- Don't use auto_install in Makefile.PL.
0.13 Tue, 21 Aug 2007 17:12:11 +0200
- Make t/exception.t not fail if Test::MockModule isn't installed by
fixing the number of tests to skip.
0.12 Mon, 20 Aug 2007 17:32:39 +0200
- Clearify documentation on use_match (Hans Dieter Pearcey <>).
- Deprecate use_match => 1; now raises a warning.
- Make modules generated by the helper use warnings.
- Document template_extension.
- Properly stringify comp_root and data_dir so mason doesn't fail when
objects which were ought to be stringified are passed to it.
0.11 Sun, 22 Jul 2007 22:51:55 +0200
- Properly set VERSION for the helper so CPAN can index us currently.
0.10 Sun, 22 Jul 2007 22:40:22 +0200
- Upload 0.09_07 as 0.10.
0.09_07 Thu, 19 Jul 2007 17:58:37 +0200
- Skip t/helper.t if Catalyst::Helper isn't around.
0.09_06 Sun, 15 Jul 2007 15:56:34 +0200
- Minor code cleanups
- Add a template_extension config var (requested by SCHWIGON).
0.09_05 Fri, 25 May 2007 16:15:45 +0200
- Try to hide the t/lib modules from PAUSE.
0.09_04 Thu, 24 May 2007 19:37:51 +0200
- Make comp_root guessing work when $c->config->{root} is not a
Path::Class instance.
0.09_03 Mon, 21 May 2007 16:24:10 +0200
- Test and implement setting additional mason globals.
0.09_02 Wed, 16 May 2007 17:17:34 +0200
- Better test coverage
- Some minor cleanups.
- use warnings;
0.09_01 Tue, 15 May 2007 23:25:52 +0200
- Fixed default content type.
- Use the component config.
- Add a render method.
- Use File::Spec to find the tmpdir.
- Use Module::Install instead of Module::Build.
- Allow to use $c->action instead of $c->req->match to find the
template to use.
- Add a test suite.
0.08 Xxx Xxx 00 00:00:00 2005
- Fixed Content-Type
- Stringify root.
0.07 Wed Apr 27 21:00:00 2005
- updated for Catalyst5
0.06 Sun Mar 20 00:50:21 2005
- bugfix: $c and $name not being set (Henry Laxen)
- bugfix: error in documentation
- bugfix: running under mod_perl
0.03 Wed Mar 16 17:41:01 2005
- Initial release