Revision history for Perl extension Class::C3::XS

0.10 Sat Mar 28, 2009
        - Improve error message on merge errors (Florian Ragwitz).

0.09 Wed Mar 25, 2009
        - Use I32 instead of int (Brandon L Black).
        - Explicitly specify xs prototyping behaviour (Florian Ragwitz).
        - Fix several compiler warnings (Florian Ragwitz).
        - Check return values when storing values in hashes and error
          out if it didn't work (Florian Ragwitz).
        - Stop using auto_install in Makefile.PL (Florian Ragwitz).
        - Remove fake Build.PL (Florian Ragwitz).

0.08 Wed Jun 13, 2007
        Fixed next::method, etc under the Perl debugger

0.07 Mon Jun 4, 2007
        Fixed "goto &next::method" and related gotos, which fixes

0.06 Wed May 16, 2007
        Removed the "assert(HvAUX(stash))" that was failing for some
        Now 5.6.x-compatible, thanks to some testing from dec

0.05 Mon May 14, 2007
        Backported optimizations and memory-management fixes from bleadperl

0.04 Sat May 12, 2007
        Small new private feature to help MRO::Compat

0.03 Tues May 8, 2007
        Remove Build.PL from the dist

0.02 Thurs May 3, 2007
        First non-dev release

0.01_01 Sun Apr 15, 2007
        Initial development release