package Data::Riak::Request; { $Data::Riak::Request::VERSION = '1.4'; } # ABSTRACT: A request to Riak use Moose::Role; use MooseX::StrictConstructor; use namespace::autoclean; has result_class => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'ClassName', default => Data::Riak::Result::, handles => { new_result => 'new', result_does => 'does', }, ); requires qw(as_http_request_args); 1; __END__ =pod =head1 NAME Data::Riak::Request - A request to Riak =head1 VERSION version 1.4 =head1 DESCRIPTION This role is implemented by all available request classes in Data::Riak. Please see below for a list of all request classes and their associated result classes. Refer to the specialised request and result classes for their respective documentation. =head1 REQUEST CLASSES =over 4 =item L<Data::Riak::Request::GetBucketProps> L<Data::Riak::Result::SingleJSONValue> =item L<Data::Riak::Request::GetObject> L<Data::Riak::Result::SingleObject> =item L<Data::Riak::Request::LinkWalk> L<Data::Riak::Result::Object> =item L<Data::Riak::Request::ListBucketKeys> L<Data::Riak::Result::SingleJSONValue> =item L<Data::Riak::Request::ListBuckets> L<Data::Riak::Result::SingleJSONValue> =item L<Data::Riak::Request::MapReduce> L<Data::Riak::Result> =item L<Data::Riak::Request::Ping> L<Data::Riak::Result::SingleValue> =item L<Data::Riak::Request::RemoveObject> L<Data::Riak::Result::MaybeVClock> =item L<Data::Riak::Request::SetBucketProps> L<Data::Riak::Result> =item L<Data::Riak::Request::Status> L<Data::Riak::Result::SingleJSONValue> =item L<Data::Riak::Request::StoreObject> L<Data::Riak::Result::SingleObject> =back =head1 REQUIRED METHODS =head2 as_http_request_args In order to be able to send requests through the HTTP backend, L<Data::Riak::HTTP>, requests need to be able to describe themselfs as L<HTTP::Request>s. This method is required to return constructor arguments for L<HTTP::Request>. =head1 ATTRIBUTES =head2 result_class Class describing the result of a given request. See L<Data::Riak::Result>. =head1 AUTHORS =over 4 =item * Andrew Nelson <anelson at> =item * Florian Ragwitz <> =back =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Infinity Interactive. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut