Revision history for Perl extension
0.01 Tue Apr 10 18:27:00 EST 2001
- original version
0.01 Thu Apr 12 17:06:49 2001
- Documented the difference between NEXT and SUPER (thanks Ken)
0.01 Thu Apr 12 17:15:42 2001
0.02 Mon Sep 3 07:52:27 2001
- Fixed setting of $AUTOLOAD in NEXT'd AUTOLOADS (thanks Leonid)
- Changed licence for inclusion in core distribution
0.50 Fri Nov 16 11:20:40 2001
- Added a $VERSION (oops!)
- Fixed handling of diamond patterns (thanks Paul)
- Added NEXT::ACTUAL to require existence of next method (thanks Paul)
- Added NEXT::UNSEEN to avoid calling multiply inherited
methods twice (thanks Paul)
- Re-fixed setting of $AUTOLOAD in NEXT'd AUTOLOADS to be
consistent with more useful SUPER:: behaviour
- Corified tests
0.51 Tue Jul 29 23:09:48 2003
- Fixed NEXT::UNSEEN bug under diamond inheritance (thanks Dan
and Alan)
- Moved &ancestors out of NEXT class in case anyone ever
calls NEXT::ancestors
- Replaced UNSEEN with DISTINCT (but left UNSEEN operational
for backwards compatibility)
0.52 Wed Jul 30 21:06:59 2003
- Refixed NEXT::UNSEEN bug under diamond inheritance
0.53 Tue Aug 12 10:53:25 2003
- Re-re-fixed NEXT::UNSEEN bug under diamond inheritance
0.60 Wed Aug 13 03:55:33 2003
- Re-re-re-fixed NEXT::UNSEEN bug under diamond inheritance
(Note to self: don't code whilst on vacation!)
- Implemented and documented EVERY functionality
0.61 Tue Mar 24 02:50:26 2009
- Pod tweaks (Alan Ferrency).
- Fix a bug when using NEXT from within an eval block (Dave Rolsky).
- Fix some pod typos (Piotr Fusik).
- Fix a bug when using NEXT within overloaded stringification (Marcel GrĂ¼nauer).
- Make NEXT work with AUTOLOAD (Damian Conway).