Revision history for Perl extension Net::Jabber::Loudmouth.

0.04  Tue Aug  2 23:10:14 2005
	- Changed Net::Jabber::Loudmouth::Connection::register_message_handler() to
	  accept Net::Jabber::Loudmouth::MessageHandler instances and regular code
	  references. We now return a Net::Jabber::Loudmouth::MessageHandler object
	  instead of nothing to be able to remove the handler afterwards easily
	- Removed unneeded type for T_STRUCT_TM from typemap

0.03  Mon Aug  1 22:06:48 2005
	- Added lots of tests

0.02  Thu Jul 28 18:13:22 2005
	- Added documentation
	- Removed xs/ppport.h

0.01  Sat Jul 23 02:51:26 2005
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
		-AO -n Net::Jabber::Loudmouth