April 2, 1997; Fred
  I overturned some of Monty's changes, my primary aim being to be
  absolutely compatible to the current MsqlPerl versions (not including
  msql 2.0 extensions). In particular, I wanted the "fetchhash" and
  "quote" methods, and I needed to be able to write fetchhash or
  FetchHash or Fetch_Hash. These changes have been made to the original
  Msql long ago but weren't ported to Mysql.

  What we have now is a version of Mysql that does neither support
  msql 2.0's extended functions (like indices) nor those of mysql.
  But it should enable most of us to continue using their perl programs
  trimmed for Msql - simply by doing a "sed -e 's/Msql/Mysql/g'" on

  Development definitively has to be continued. I guess this version
  is full of bugs...

Mars 9, 1997; Monty
  Added support of TIME and DATE types.
  Added optional argument 'user' to connect.

January 20, 1996 ; Monty
  mysql_FetchRow now used the new API function mysql_fetch_lengths().
  This allows binary data in blobs. (Before any null character in a blob
  terminated the string)
  Added test of binary strings with null and newline in mysql_test

December 3, 1995
  Added documentation for the following mysql variables:
  $scalar = $sth->affected_rows;      Number of inserted/changed rows
  $scalar = $sth->insert_id;	      New id in column with AUTO_INCREMENT specifier.
  $arrref  = $sth->is_num;	      array of boolean
  $arrref  = $sth->is_blob;	      array of boolean

October 1, 1995
   Fixed a serious bug. Since we do not store $db->{SOCK} and family
   anymore, it's legal that the hash-entry doesn't exist. 1.02
   returned the not very helpful message "Couldn't read svp".

July 30, 1995
    Fixed a few documentation bugs. Reintroduced -lmisc in Makefile.PL.
    Introduced $Msql::QUIET, a variable to suppress error messages from
    the msql daemon when $^W is true (i.e. when the -w switch is on)

July 8, 1995 
    Implemented a new interface that uses methods to access the object
    attributes. The resulting version is a hermaphrodite that is fully
    backwards compatible, but also implements the new
    interface. Future versions will not support the old interface
    anymore. The reason for the change is a greater flexibility and
    also greater efficiency.

    Fixed a memory leak (Thanks to Dan McGuirk <mcguirk@indirect.com>
    for the report)

June 4, 1995
    Introduced the handling of NULL fields that comes with msql 1.0.6.
    That should be a fully backwards compatible solution.

    IQuery is gone, it turned out to be of no use at all. FastQuery is
    still there.

    The Msql::Tie package has gone in a different file and is still
    considered experimental. If you have an opinion about it, tell me,
    if not, don't ever use this file.

April 22, 1995
    Introduced masking of single ticks (') within the Insert method. 

Feb 28, 1995
    Connect(host, db) now connects to UNIX socket when hostname is the
    null string. Did only so, if called as Connect() followed by

    Added a bench/ directory with two sample benchmarks.

    $sth-{HOST}, $sth->{DATABASE}, and $sth->{SOCK} depreciated (will
    not supported in future releases). Use their $dbh equivalent

Feb 27, 1995
    Fetching of metadata via tie() on demand with caching for TieQuery
    and TieListFields implemeted. Turns out to be a performance
    PENALTY, as the benefits of tie are eaten by the tie overhead. As
    a byproduct new methods are available: $sth->fetchinternal(KEY),
    $dbh->FastQuery(), $dbh->IQuery(), $dbh->FastListFields(). The
    performance gain is much smaller than expected. Will have to be
    reevaluated with perl5.001. The new functions are only important
    for testing purposes, esp. for the implementation of the DBI

    Insert() now checks the field type instead of the input type when
    it decides, if a value should be enclosed in ticks. Insert is
    faster now, but will be much faster, I suppose, once closures are
    available in perl.

Feb 13, 1995
    $sth->{LENGTH} added.