package Koha::Contrib::Tamil::Indexer; # ABSTRACT: Class doing Zebra Koha indexing $Koha::Contrib::Tamil::Indexer::VERSION = '0.067'; use Moose; use 5.010; use utf8; use Carp; use Koha::Contrib::Tamil::Koha; use Koha::Contrib::Tamil::RecordReader; use Koha::Contrib::Tamil::RecordWriter::File::Marcxml; use AnyEvent::Processor::Conversion; use File::Path; use IO::File; use Locale::TextDomain 'Koha-Contrib-Tamil'; with 'MooseX::Getopt'; has koha => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Koha::Contrib::Tamil::Koha', required => 0, traits => [ 'NoGetopt' ], ); has conf => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', trigger => sub { my ( $self, $file ) = @_; $self->koha( Koha::Contrib::Tamil::Koha->new( conf_file => $file ) ); return $file; }, ); has source => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Koha::RecordType', default => 'biblio' ); has select => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Koha::RecordSelect', required => 1, default => 'all', ); has directory => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', default => './koha-index', ); has keep => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Bool', default => 0 ); has verbose => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Bool', default => 0 ); has help => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Bool', default => 0, traits => [ 'NoGetopt' ], ); has blocking => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Bool', default => 0, traits => [ 'NoGetopt' ], ); sub run { my $self = shift; # Is it a full indexing of all Koha DB records? my $is_full_indexing = $self->select =~ /all/i; # Is it biblio indexing (if not it's authority) my $is_biblio_indexing = $self->source =~ /biblio/i; $self->koha( Koha::Contrib::Tamil::Koha->new() ) unless $self->koha; # STEP 1: All biblio records are exported in a directory unless ( -d $self->directory ) { mkdir $self->directory or die "Unable to create directory: " . $self->directory; } my $from_dir = $self->directory . "/" . $self->source; mkdir $from_dir; for my $dir ( ( "$from_dir/update", "$from_dir/delete") ) { rmtree( $dir ) if -d $dir; mkdir $dir; } # DOM indexing? otherwise GRS-1 # Par défaut DOM depuis 18.11 avec dispartion des param zebra_bib_index_mode my $is_dom = $self->source eq 'biblio' ? 'zebra_bib_index_mode' : 'zebra_auth_index_mode'; $is_dom = $self->koha->conf->{config}->{$is_dom} || ''; $is_dom = $is_dom =~ /grs/i ? 0 : 1; # STEP 1.1: Records to update print __"Exporting records to update", "\n" if $self->verbose; my $exporter = AnyEvent::Processor::Conversion->new( reader => Koha::Contrib::Tamil::RecordReader->new( koha => $self->koha, source => $self->source, select => $is_full_indexing ? 'all' : 'queue_update', xml => '1' ), writer => Koha::Contrib::Tamil::RecordWriter::File::Marcxml->new( fh => IO::File->new( "$from_dir/update/records", '>:encoding(utf8)' ), valid => $is_dom ), blocking => $self->blocking, verbose => $self->verbose, ); $exporter->run(); # STEP 1.2: Record to delete, if zebraqueue if ( ! $is_full_indexing ) { print __"Exporting records to delete", "\n" if $self->verbose; $exporter = AnyEvent::Processor::Conversion->new( reader => Koha::Contrib::Tamil::RecordReader->new( koha => $self->koha, source => $self->source, select => 'queue_delete', xml => '1' ), writer => Koha::Contrib::Tamil::RecordWriter::File::Marcxml->new( fh => IO::File->new( "$from_dir/delete/records", '>:utf8' ), valid => $is_dom ), blocking => $self->blocking, verbose => $self->verbose, ); $exporter->run(); } # STEP 2: Run zebraidx my $cmd; my $zconfig = $self->koha->conf->{server}->{ $is_biblio_indexing ? 'biblioserver' : 'authorityserver' }->{config}; my $db_name = $is_biblio_indexing ? 'biblios' : 'authorities'; my $cmd_base = "zebraidx -c " . $zconfig; $cmd_base .= " -n" if $is_full_indexing; # No shadow: no indexing daemon $cmd_base .= $self->verbose ? " -v warning,log" : " -v none"; $cmd_base .= " -g marcxml"; $cmd_base .= " -d $db_name"; if ( $is_full_indexing ) { $cmd = "$cmd_base init"; print "$cmd\n" if $self->verbose; system( $cmd ); } $cmd = "$cmd_base update $from_dir/update"; print "$cmd\n" if $self->verbose; system( $cmd ); if ( ! $is_full_indexing ) { $cmd = "$cmd_base adelete $from_dir/delete"; print "$cmd\n" if $self->verbose; system( $cmd ); my $cmd = "$cmd_base commit"; print "$cmd\n" if $self->verbose; system( $cmd ); } rmtree( $self->directory ) unless $self->keep; } no Moose; __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable; =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME Koha::Contrib::Tamil::Indexer - Class doing Zebra Koha indexing =head1 VERSION version 0.067 =head1 METHODS =head2 run Runs the indexing task. =HEAD1 SYNOPSIS my $indexer = Koha::Contrib::Tamil::Indexer->new( source => 'biblio', select => 'queue' ); $indexer->run(); my $indexer = Koha::Contrib::Tamil::Indexer->new( source => 'authority', select => 'all', directory => '/tmp', verbose => 1, ); $indexer->run(); =HEAD1 DESCRIPTION Indexes Koha biblio/authority records, full indexing or queued record indexing. =head1 AUTHOR Frédéric Demians <> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2022 by Fréderic Démians. This is free software, licensed under: The GNU General Public License, Version 3, June 2007 =cut __END__ 1;