Revision history for Perl module MARC::Moose

1.0.8 2014-09-29

  - Add a MARC biblio record 'lint' checker, processor, and command line script

1.0.7 2014-09-05

  - Fix a bug in Legay (aka MARC::Record) formater, which was striping subfield
    values equals to 0

1.0.6 2014-04-12

  - Unimarc to MARC21: calculate 245-Title field second indicator based on
    NSB/NSE characters

1.0.5 2014-04-10

  - Unimarc to MARC21 improvement: - 076 => 024 ; - 600 complete conversion ;
    - 9xx copied as they are

1.0.4 2013-10-30

  - Improve Unimarc to MARC21: keep 9xx fields
  - Few docs

1.0.3 2013-10-28

  - Fix RT#89817 Undefined subroutine &bytes::substr called
    Thanks Andreas Koenig

1.0.2 2013-10-25

  - Changes compliance with CPAN::Changes::Spec

1.0.1 2013-10-25

  - Improve Unimarc to MARC21 conversion: 675 => 080

1.0.0 2013-10-04

  - Bump version to 1.0! It's stable.
  - Fix Unimarc to MARC21 failing due to malformed 100 fixed field

0.030 2013-04-12

  - Fix bug on 630/650/651 MARC21 fields. $x and $y subfields where inverted.
  - Improve support of bad formatted UNIMARC records.

0.029 2013-03-04

  - Fix RT Bug #83123, when 210$l

0.028 2012-10-18

  - Fix MARCXML parsing. Forces indicators to space if there are empty in XML
    source file, which is wrong but occurs.

0.027 2012-09-13

  - Fix a bug in MARC::Moose::Formater::Legacy

0.026 2012-04-10

  - Add a JSON parser

0.025 2012-03-24

  - Fix cloning field MARC::Moose::Field::Control
  - Copy 001 tag from UNIMARC to MARC21
  - Fix MARC21 207 tag conversion

0.024 2012-03-07

  - Add UNIMARC 125 conversion in M::M::F::UnimarcToMarc21 class

0.023 2012-02-21

  - Add a delete method to MARC::Moose::Record class, and test case

0.022 2012-02-17

  - MooseX::RW integration

0.021 2012-02-16

  - A new script marcmoose to manipulate MARC records files
  - Code cleaning

0.020 2012-01-31

  - Add clone method to MARC::Moose::Field
  - Add a MARC::Moose::Formater::UnimarcToMarc21 class

0.019 2012-01-24

  - Add some tests
  - Improve documentation
  - Use SAX parser by default for MARCXML records

0.018 2011-11-30

0.017 2011-08-23

0.016 2011-06-25

0.015 2011-06-15

0.014 2011-03-31

0.013 2011-03-30

0.012 2011-01-10

0.011 2010-11-26

0.010 2010-11-24

0.009 2010-11-14

0.008 2010-11-14

0.007 2010-11-12

0.006 2010-11-12