Revision history for Catalyst-View-JavaScript-Minifier-XS

0.093180 Nov 14, 2009
         Fix required version of Catalyst

0.093030 Oct 30, 2009
         Possibly breaking change: in the past you *always* had to have a
         referrer, now you only need it if you are using subinclude and
         are in the process of "subincluding"

         Lots of tests for almost all features

         Some pod cleanup and more accurate author sections

0.092800 Oct 6, 2009
         Add in build_requires that I forgot in the switch to dzil

0.092790 Oct 6, 2009
         Switch to dzil for autoversioning etc
         Switch to Moose for config variables

0.04     Sept 4, 2009
         fix RT49034, RT48815, RT48814

0.03	 23.02.2009/13:25
	 [bugfix] when no files parsed print nothing

0.02	 18.02.2009/13:00
	 Added helper

0.01     16.02.2009/10:13
         First version, released on an unsuspecting world.