package DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::DateTime; use strict; use warnings; use base qw/DBIx::Class/; use DBIx::Class::Carp; use Try::Tiny; use namespace::clean; =head1 NAME DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::DateTime - Auto-create DateTime objects from date and datetime columns. =head1 SYNOPSIS Load this component and then declare one or more columns to be of the datetime, timestamp or date datatype. package Event; use base 'DBIx::Class::Core'; __PACKAGE__->load_components(qw/InflateColumn::DateTime/); __PACKAGE__->add_columns( starts_when => { data_type => 'datetime' } create_date => { data_type => 'date' } ); Then you can treat the specified column as a L<DateTime> object. print "This event starts the month of ". $event->starts_when->month_name(); If you want to set a specific timezone and locale for that field, use: __PACKAGE__->add_columns( starts_when => { data_type => 'datetime', timezone => "America/Chicago", locale => "de_DE" } ); If you want to inflate no matter what data_type your column is, use inflate_datetime or inflate_date: __PACKAGE__->add_columns( starts_when => { data_type => 'varchar', inflate_datetime => 1 } ); __PACKAGE__->add_columns( starts_when => { data_type => 'varchar', inflate_date => 1 } ); It's also possible to explicitly skip inflation: __PACKAGE__->add_columns( starts_when => { data_type => 'datetime', inflate_datetime => 0 } ); NOTE: Don't rely on C<InflateColumn::DateTime> to parse date strings for you. The column is set directly for any non-references and C<InflateColumn::DateTime> is completely bypassed. Instead, use an input parser to create a DateTime object. For instance, if your user input comes as a 'YYYY-MM-DD' string, you can use C<DateTime::Format::ISO8601> thusly: use DateTime::Format::ISO8601; my $dt = DateTime::Format::ISO8601->parse_datetime('YYYY-MM-DD'); =head1 DESCRIPTION This module figures out the type of DateTime::Format::* class to inflate/deflate with based on the type of DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::* that you are using. If you switch from one database to a different one your code should continue to work without modification (though note that this feature is new as of 0.07, so it may not be perfect yet - bug reports to the list very much welcome). If the data_type of a field is C<date>, C<datetime> or C<timestamp> (or a derivative of these datatypes, e.g. C<timestamp with timezone>), this module will automatically call the appropriate parse/format method for deflation/inflation as defined in the storage class. For instance, for a C<datetime> field the methods C<parse_datetime> and C<format_datetime> would be called on deflation/inflation. If the storage class does not provide a specialized inflator/deflator, C<[parse|format]_datetime> will be used as a fallback. See L<DateTime::Format> for more information on date formatting. For more help with using components, see L<DBIx::Class::Manual::Component/USING>. =cut __PACKAGE__->load_components(qw/InflateColumn/); =head2 register_column Chains with the L<DBIx::Class::Row/register_column> method, and sets up datetime columns appropriately. This would not normally be directly called by end users. In the case of an invalid date, L<DateTime> will throw an exception. To bypass these exceptions and just have the inflation return undef, use the C<datetime_undef_if_invalid> option in the column info: "broken_date", { data_type => "datetime", default_value => '0000-00-00', is_nullable => 1, datetime_undef_if_invalid => 1 } =cut sub register_column { my ($self, $column, $info, @rest) = @_; $self->next::method($column, $info, @rest); my $requested_type; for (qw/datetime timestamp date/) { my $key = "inflate_${_}"; if (exists $info->{$key}) { # this bailout is intentional return unless $info->{$key}; $requested_type = $_; last; } } return if (!$requested_type and !$info->{data_type}); my $data_type = lc( $info->{data_type} || '' ); # _ic_dt_method will follow whatever the registration requests # thus = instead of ||= if ($data_type eq 'timestamp with time zone' || $data_type eq 'timestamptz') { $info->{_ic_dt_method} = 'timestamp_with_timezone'; } elsif ($data_type eq 'timestamp without time zone') { $info->{_ic_dt_method} = 'timestamp_without_timezone'; } elsif ($data_type eq 'smalldatetime') { $info->{_ic_dt_method} = 'smalldatetime'; } elsif ($data_type =~ /^ (?: date | datetime | timestamp ) $/x) { $info->{_ic_dt_method} = $data_type; } elsif ($requested_type) { $info->{_ic_dt_method} = $requested_type; } else { return; } if ($info->{extra}) { for my $slot (qw/timezone locale floating_tz_ok/) { if ( defined $info->{extra}{$slot} ) { carp "Putting $slot into extra => { $slot => '...' } has been deprecated, ". "please put it directly into the '$column' column definition."; $info->{$slot} = $info->{extra}{$slot} unless defined $info->{$slot}; } } } # shallow copy to avoid unfounded(?) Devel::Cycle complaints my $infcopy = {%$info}; $self->inflate_column( $column => { inflate => sub { my ($value, $obj) = @_; # propagate for error reporting $infcopy->{__dbic_colname} = $column; my $dt = $obj->_inflate_to_datetime( $value, $infcopy ); return (defined $dt) ? $obj->_post_inflate_datetime( $dt, $infcopy ) : undef ; }, deflate => sub { my ($value, $obj) = @_; $value = $obj->_pre_deflate_datetime( $value, $infcopy ); $obj->_deflate_from_datetime( $value, $infcopy ); }, } ); } sub _flate_or_fallback { my( $self, $value, $info, $method_fmt ) = @_; my $parser = $self->_datetime_parser; my $preferred_method = sprintf($method_fmt, $info->{ _ic_dt_method }); my $method = $parser->can($preferred_method) || sprintf($method_fmt, 'datetime'); return try { $parser->$method($value); } catch { $self->throw_exception ("Error while inflating '$value' for $info->{__dbic_colname} on ${self}: $_") unless $info->{datetime_undef_if_invalid}; undef; # rv }; } sub _inflate_to_datetime { my( $self, $value, $info ) = @_; return $self->_flate_or_fallback( $value, $info, 'parse_%s' ); } sub _deflate_from_datetime { my( $self, $value, $info ) = @_; return $self->_flate_or_fallback( $value, $info, 'format_%s' ); } sub _datetime_parser { shift->result_source->storage->datetime_parser (@_); } sub _post_inflate_datetime { my( $self, $dt, $info ) = @_; $dt->set_time_zone($info->{timezone}) if defined $info->{timezone}; $dt->set_locale($info->{locale}) if defined $info->{locale}; return $dt; } sub _pre_deflate_datetime { my( $self, $dt, $info ) = @_; if (defined $info->{timezone}) { carp "You're using a floating timezone, please see the documentation of" . " DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::DateTime for an explanation" if ref( $dt->time_zone ) eq 'DateTime::TimeZone::Floating' and not $info->{floating_tz_ok} and not $ENV{DBIC_FLOATING_TZ_OK}; $dt->set_time_zone($info->{timezone}); } $dt->set_locale($info->{locale}) if defined $info->{locale}; return $dt; } 1; __END__ =head1 USAGE NOTES If you have a datetime column with an associated C<timezone>, and subsequently create/update this column with a DateTime object in the L<DateTime::TimeZone::Floating> timezone, you will get a warning (as there is a very good chance this will not have the result you expect). For example: __PACKAGE__->add_columns( starts_when => { data_type => 'datetime', timezone => "America/Chicago" } ); my $event = $schema->resultset('EventTZ')->create({ starts_at => DateTime->new(year=>2007, month=>12, day=>31, ), }); The warning can be avoided in several ways: =over =item Fix your broken code When calling C<set_time_zone> on a Floating DateTime object, the timezone is simply set to the requested value, and B<no time conversion takes place>. It is always a good idea to be supply explicit times to the database: my $event = $schema->resultset('EventTZ')->create({ starts_at => DateTime->new(year=>2007, month=>12, day=>31, time_zone => "America/Chicago" ), }); =item Suppress the check on per-column basis __PACKAGE__->add_columns( starts_when => { data_type => 'datetime', timezone => "America/Chicago", floating_tz_ok => 1 } ); =item Suppress the check globally Set the environment variable DBIC_FLOATING_TZ_OK to some true value. =back Putting extra attributes like timezone, locale or floating_tz_ok into extra => {} has been B<DEPRECATED> because this gets you into trouble using L<DBIx::Class::Schema::Versioned>. Instead put it directly into the columns definition like in the examples above. If you still use the old way you'll see a warning - please fix your code then! =head1 SEE ALSO =over 4 =item More information about the add_columns method, and column metadata, can be found in the documentation for L<DBIx::Class::ResultSource>. =item Further discussion of problems inherent to the Floating timezone: L<Floating DateTimes|DateTime/Floating DateTimes> and L<< $dt->set_time_zone|DateTime/"Set" Methods >> =back =head1 AUTHOR Matt S. Trout <> =head1 CONTRIBUTORS Aran Deltac <> =head1 LICENSE You may distribute this code under the same terms as Perl itself.