=head1 NAME

DBIx::Class::Manual::SQLHackers::UPDATE - DBIx::Class for SQL Hackers - UPDATE


=item L<Introduction|DBIx::Class::Manual::SQLHackers::Introduction>

=item L<CREATE|DBIx::Class::Manual::SQLHackers::CREATE>

=item L<INSERT|DBIx::Class::Manual::SQLHackers::INSERT>

=item L<SELECT|DBIx::Class::Manual::SQLHackers::SELECT>

=item UPDATE

=item L<DELETE|DBIx::Class::Manual::SQLHackers::DELETE>

=item L<BEGIN, COMMIT|DBIx::Class::Manual::SQLHackers::Transactions>


=head1 UPDATEing data

=head2 Single row delayed update versus direct update

Individual rows may be updated via their Result object in one of two
ways. You can create an object representing an existing database table
row and hold it in your program's memory, passing it around from
function to function changing its values, before actually updating
the contents into the database. This is a delayed update.

A direct update still involves fetching the existing row from the
database, but instead of storing new column values in the Row object,
the update method is called and passed the set of new values to store
in the table.

NOTE: Running a direct update on a row object that already has changed
values will B<also> apply those values to the database. If some values are
changed both on the object and in the update method arguments, the
argument values take precedence.

=head2 Updating a row in memory

To create a Row object for delayed update (or other manipulations), first fetch it from the database as described in L<Simple SELECT|DBIx::Class::Manual::SQLHackers::SELECT/Simple SELECT, one row via the primary key>.


=item 1. Create a Schema object representing the database you are working with:

        my $schema = MyDatabase::Schema->connect('dbi:SQLite:my.db');

=item 2. Call the B<find> method on the resultset for the L<ResultSource|DBIx::Class::ResultSource> you wish to update the contents of:

        my $fred_user = $schema->resultset('User')->find({ id => 1 });

B<$fred_user>'s contents can now be changed using the accessor
methods created by B<add_columns>, back in
L<CREATE|DBIx::Class::Manual::SQLHackers::CREATE>. These are generally named
after the columns in the database, so to change fred's real name, use
the B<realname> method.

=item 3. Call the B<realname> accessor method on the $fred_user object:

        $fred_user->realname("John Bloggs");

This value has not yet changed in the database, we can make the actual
update by calling B<update>:

=item 4. Write the new value(s) into the database:



The update method will only actually send an UPDATE statement to the
database if one or more of the columns have changed. The internal
tracking of which columns have been changed can be queried using
several methods. B<is_changed> returns true (or a list of changed
column names) if any column values have changed. B<is_column_changed>
will return true or false for the given column name argument. The
previous values of the columns are not stored.

=head2 Update a single row with simple values

    UPDATE users
    SET username = 'new@email.address'
    WHERE id = 1;
To update an existing row, first B<find> it using the methods shown in L<DBIx::Class::Manual::SQLHackers::SELECT/Simple SELECT, one row via the primary key> or L<DBIx::Class::Manual::SQLHackers::SELECT/Simple SELECT, one row via a unique key>, for example:


=item 1. Create a Schema object representing the database you are working with:

        my $schema = MyDatabase::Schema->connect('dbi:SQLite:my.db');

=item 2. Call the B<find> method on the resultset for the L<ResultSource|DBIx::Class::ResultSource> you wish to fetch data from:

        my $fred_user = $schema->resultset('User')->find({ id => 1 });

The Row object has an B<update> method that will change the values on
the object and send an UPDATE query to the database.

=item 3. Call the B<update> method, passing it a hashref of new data:

        $fred_user->update({ username => 'new@email.address' }); 


See also: L</Single row direct update versus delayed update>.

=head2 Update a row or rows using a column calculation

    -- Yet another pointless example
    UPDATE users
    SET username = username || '.uk'
    WHERE id = 1;


=item 1. Create a Schema object representing the database you are working with:

        my $schema = MyDatabase::Schema->connect('dbi:SQLite:my.db');

=item 2. Call the B<find> method on the resultset for the L<ResultSource|DBIx::Class::ResultSource> you wish to fetch data from:

        my $fred_user = $schema->resultset('User')->find({ id => 1 });

The Row object has an B<update> method that will change the values on
the object, and send an UPDATE query to the database.

=item 3. Call the B<update> method, passing it a hashref of new data:

        $fred_user->update({ username => \['username || ?', [ {} =>  '.uk'] ] }); 

The C<\[ ... ]> syntax here is based on L<SQL::Abstract/Literal SQL with placeholders and bind values (subqueries)>, and adds some extra syntax for the "values" to be able to supply things like the exact SQL bind type and so on. This extra syntax will be documented in DBIx::Class soon.


=head2 Update multiple rows with simple values

    -- Warning, pointless example!
    UPDATE users
    SET dob = '2010-08-16'
    WHERE realname LIKE 'jess%';

To update a whole set of rows, or all of them, we first need to create a ResultSet object representing the query conditions that would be needed to select that same set of rows. We need to use B<search>, then we use the B<update> method on the ResultSet.


=item 1. Create a Schema object representing the database you are working with:

        my $schema = MyDatabase::Schema->connect('dbi:SQLite:my.db');

=item 2. Call the B<search> method on the resultset for the L<ResultSource|DBIx::Class::ResultSource> you wish to fetch data from:

        my $user_search = $schema->resultset('User')->search(
          { realname => { like => 'jess%' } }

=item 3. Call the B<update> method on the resultset to change the matching rows:

        $user_search->update({ dob => '2010-08-16' });


=head2 Update or create a row

    -- MySQL non-standardness (and another silly example)
    INSERT INTO users ( ... ) 
    VALUES ( ... )
    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE password = 'newpass';

    -- OR:
    SELECT id, username, dob, realname, password
    FROM users
    WHERE username = 'joebloggs';
    UPDATE users
    SET id = ?, username = ?, dob = ?, realname = ?, password = ?;
DBIx::Class does not yet produce the non-standard MySQL "ON DUPLICATE KEY
UPDATE", instead it has a shortcut for combining B<find> and B<update>.

To avoid race conditions, this should be done in a transaction.


=item 1. Create a Schema object representing the database you are working with:

        my $schema = MyDatabase::Schema->connect('dbi:SQLite:my.db');

=item 2. Call the B<txn_do> method on the schema object, passing it a coderef to execute inside the transaction:

        $schema->txn_do( sub {

=item 3. Call the B<update_or_create> method on the resultset for the L<ResultSource|DBIx::Class::ResultSource> you wish to update data in:

                username => 'joebloggs',
                dob => '2010-09-10',
                realname = 'Joe Bloggs'
                key => 'uniq_username'

=item 4. Close off the coderef / transaction:

        } );

A transaction is issued containing two statements, a B<SELECT> and then
either an B<INSERT> or an B<UPDATE> depending on the results.

Do not use this method if you don't definitely have either the primary
key or a unique index value available. The B<find> method used under
the hood will probably not do what you expect. In this case, manually
run a separate B<search> method call to check for existence, and then
call B<create>.