Revision history for Perl module Alien::SDL

1.404  Thu May 13 2010
     - added new binaries for Win64 with fb/pango patch [kmx]

1.403  Sat May 01 2010
     - added Text::Patch to configure_requires [FROGGS]

1.402  Fri Apr 30 2010
     - header tests: stdio.h is only included on windows boxes [#127] [FROGGS]
     - disabling audio support on solaris in case sys/audioio.h is missing [#125] [FROGGS]
     - using Text::Patch instead of patch-command [#125] [FROGGS]
     - added another buildset for BSD's (without TTF/freetype) [#126] [FROGGS]

1.401  Wed Apr 28 2010
     - print chosen build-option when calling ./Build (for cpantesters reports) [FROGGS]
     - Build-script is not created when choosing quit [FROGGS]
     - there should be no cpantester result (NA/UNKNOWN) sent when choosing quit [kmx]

1.4  Tue Apr 27 2010
     - alternative locations/hosts for fetching libs [FROGGS]
     - reenabling option #1 (using already installed libs) [FROGGS]

1.3  Fri Apr 23 2010
     - additional libs can be specyfied via Alien::SDL->config('libs', [-lAdd_Lib]) [FROGGS]
     - checking for required shared libs, disabling options if missing [FROGGS]
	 - png, jpeg and tiff are build always [FROGGS]
     - building zlib-1.2.5 instead of 1.2.4 [FROGGS]
     - making the RECOMMENDED option default [FROGGS]

     - build_requires fixed (now contains also modules needed for ./Build test)
     - Win32 patch - proper handling of spaces in dirname [FROGGS]
     - Better detection of patch utility (now works with old patch on bsd systems) [kmx]
     - GNU make autodetection (on bsd systems make!=GNU-make) [kmx]
     - SDL_Pango special patch now defines SDL_PANGO_FB [kthakore]
     - more diagnostics in t/001_load.t
     - improved patching mechanism (better CRLF/LF handling) [FROGGS]
     - Win/32bit binaries (with SDL_Pango patch) [FROGGS]
     - MacOSx file find bug fixed

     - Powerpc fixes [ioanrogers]
     - fix for many failing MacOS CPAN tester reports [kmx]
     - updated packages (zlib-1.2.4, jpeg-8a, libpng-1.4.1, freetype-2.3.12) in src build [kmx]
     - new Win32 binaries by FROGGS (now works well on WinXP & Win7)
     - typo fixes [dorkfish]

     - TODO for 1.0 release has been met so incrementing 

     - extended Windows/32bit binaries made a default option
     - additional src build set added (no preinstalled jpeg, freetype2, png required)
     - cygwin related patches []

     - An updated windows pack [kmx]
     - Dependencies of SHA fixed [kmx]

     - Local sharedir building [kmx, FROGGS]
     - 64bit building [kthakore, kmx]
     - Darwin testing [Mike Stok, Stuart Watt, Chas Owens] and fixing [kthakore, kmx]
     - Dependencies fixes [kmx]

     - Quick fix for follow_skip in File::Find, and test numbers

     - Complete redesign by kmx, completely new interface
     - Fixed Bug on File::Find usage to get headers
     - Get and compile latest code for SDL, gfx, image, mixer, ttf and net

     - check if make failed or passed

0.06.1 Sat Sept 14 2009
     - Fixed a stupid mistake
0.06 Fri Sept 18 2009
     - Added File::Fetch to inc
     - Added File::Spec::Unix to inc
     - Added IPC::cmd to inc
     - Added Archive::Extract to inc

0.02 Fri Aug  7 2009
    - Updated perlDoc

0.01 Thu Aug  6 2009
    - original version; created by ExtUtils::ModuleMaker 0.51