Revision history for MojoX-Log-Log4perl

0.07    2013-09-15
        Fixed test issue on Win32 (thanks Graham "plicease" Ollis
        for reporting and proving a patch)

0.06    2012-08-20
        Fixed typo in pod example code (Spiros Denaxas)
        Updated code to make use of Mojolicious' event emitter
        (as a side effect, this module is now only compatible with
         Mojolicious 2.0 and greater)

0.05    2012-08-13
        Log methods now return $self (Thanks Bob "Stocks" Stockdale for reporting)

0.04    2011-10-28
        Added option to initialize via init_and_watch() (Marius Kjeldahl)

0.03    2010-12-10
        Fixed caller depth for %F and friends (BDUGGAN)

0.02    2009-10-14
        Fixed $logger->level() (Thanks to Bzek++ for spotting it
        and helping with the fix).
        updated documentation with more examples
        added more tests

0.01    2009-07-21
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.