Revision history for Padre-Plugin-Catalyst

	Added option to update application scripts (upgrade your app to a new version of Catalyst) (garu)
    Renamed to the new Padre 0.43 PO naming scheme (azawawi)
    Fixed "start server" helper (jason best)

	Added Spanish translation (BRUNOV)
    removed taint mode for test, leading to build failures (jquelin)
	Added Catalyst Community Live Support (garu)
	Expanded Catalyst Tutorial to a submenu, updated to newest version (garu)

	Default model name set to 'DB', type set to DBIC::Schema (if available) (GARU)
	Added translation support (SZABGAB)
	Added translations:
	- Arabic                (AZAWAWI)
	- Brazilian Portuguese  (GARU)
	- Chinese (Traditional) (BLUET)
	- Dutch                 (DDN)
	- French                (jquelin)
	- Polish                (THEREK)
	- Russian               (SHARIFULN)

0.02    2009-04-08
        Now working on MS-Windows too  (FAYLAND)
        Added "create new model" window (GARU)
        Added "create new controller" window (GARU)
        Added checkbox to shorten MVC names while creating a new app (GARU)
        Added plugin icon (tiny Catalyst logo) (GARU)

0.01    2009-03-31
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.