package Lego::From::PNG::Brick; use strict; use warnings; BEGIN { $Lego::From::PNG::Brick::VERSION = '0.01'; } use Lego::From::PNG::Const qw(:all); use Data::Debug; sub new { my $class = shift; my %args = ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? %{$_[0]} : @_; my $hash = {}; $hash->{$_} = $args{$_} for(qw(color depth length height meta)); die "Invalid color" if ! scalar( grep { $_ eq $hash->{'color'} } LEGO_COLORS ); # Default any undefined dimensions to 1 $hash->{'depth'} ||= 1; $hash->{'length'} ||= 1; $hash->{'height'} ||= 1; # Default meta to an empty hashref if it is undefined or an invalid ref $hash->{'meta'} = (! $hash->{'meta'} || ref($hash->{'meta'}) ne 'HASH') ? {} : $hash->{'meta'}; my $self = bless ($hash, ref ($class) || $class); return $self; } sub id { &identifier } sub identifier { my $self = shift; return $self->{'id'} ||= $self->color.'_'.join('x',$self->depth,$self->length,$self->height); } sub color { my $self = shift; my $val = shift; if(defined $val) { die "Invalid color" if ! scalar( grep { $_ eq $val } LEGO_COLORS ); $self->{'color'} = $val; delete $self->{'id'}; # Clear out id delete $self->{'color_info'}; # Clear out color info on color change } return $self->{'color'}; } sub depth { my $self = shift; my $val = shift; if(defined $val) { $self->{'depth'} = $val * 1; delete $self->{'id'}; # Clear out id } return $self->{'depth'}; } sub length { my $self = shift; my $val = shift; if(defined $val) { $self->{'length'} = $val * 1; delete $self->{'id'}; # Clear out id } return $self->{'length'}; } sub height { my $self = shift; my $val = shift; if(defined $val) { $self->{'height'} = $val * 1; delete $self->{'id'}; # Clear out id } return $self->{'height'}; } sub meta { shift->{'meta'} } sub color_info { my $self = shift; return $self->{'color_info'} ||= do { my $color = $self->color; my ($on_key, $cn_key, $hex_key, $r_key, $g_key, $b_key) = ( $color . '_OFFICIAL_NAME', $color . '_COMMON_NAME', $color . '_HEX_COLOR', $color . '_RGB_COLOR_RED', $color . '_RGB_COLOR_GREEN', $color . '_RGB_COLOR_BLUE', ); no strict 'refs'; +{ 'cid' => $color, 'official_name' => Lego::From::PNG::Const->$on_key, 'common_name' => Lego::From::PNG::Const->$cn_key, 'hex_color' => Lego::From::PNG::Const->$hex_key, 'rgb_color' => [ Lego::From::PNG::Const->$r_key, Lego::From::PNG::Const->$g_key, Lego::From::PNG::Const->$b_key, ], }; }; } sub flatten { my $self = shift; $self->identifier; # Make sure it's generated my %hash; my @keys = qw(id color depth length height meta); @hash{ @keys } = @{ $self }{ @keys }; return \%hash; } =pod =head1 NAME Lego::From::PNG::Brick - A simple representation of a lego brick =head1 SYNOPSIS use Lego::From::PNG::Brick; my ($color, $depth, $length, $height) = ('BLACK', 1, 2, 1); # depth x length x height my $object = Lego::From::PNG::Brick->new( color => $color, depth => $depth, length => $length, height => $height, meta => {} # Anything else we want to track ); # Get at the data with accessors =head1 DESCRIPTION Representation of a Lego Brick plus additional meta data about that brick =head1 USAGE =head2 new Usage : ->new() Purpose : Returns Lego::From::PNG::Brick object Returns : Lego::From::PNG::Brick object Argument : color -> must be a valid color from L<Lego::From::PNG::Const> depth -> brick depth, defaults to 1 length -> brick length, defaults to 1 height -> brick height, defaults to 1 meta -> a hashref of additional meta data for the instanciated brick Throws : Dies if the color is invalid Comment : Clobbers meta if it's not a valid hashref See Also : =head2 id See identifier =head2 identifier Usage : ->identifier() Purpose : Returns brick id, which is based on color, depth, length and width Returns : the indentifier. Format: <color>_<depth>x<length>x<height> Argument : Throws : Comment : Identifiers aren't necessarily unique, more than one brick could have the same identifier and different meta for instance See Also : =head2 color Usage : ->color() or ->color($new_color) Purpose : Returns lego color for the brick, optionally a new color may be set Returns : lego color value for this brick Argument : Optional. Pass a scalar with a new valid color value to change the bricks color Throws : Comment : See Also : =head2 depth Usage : ->depth() or ->depth($new_number) Purpose : Returns depth for the brick, optionally a new depth may be set Returns : depth value for this brick Argument : Optional. Pass a scalar with a new valid depth value to change the bricks depth Throws : Comment : See Also : =head2 length Usage : ->length() or ->length($new_number) Purpose : Returns length for the brick, optionally a new length may be set Returns : length value for this brick Argument : Optional. Pass a scalar with a new valid length value to change the bricks length Throws : Comment : See Also : =head2 height Usage : ->height() or ->height($new_number) Purpose : Returns height for the brick, optionally a new height may be set Returns : height value for this brick Argument : Optional. Pass a scalar with a new valid height value to change the bricks height Throws : Comment : See Also : =head2 meta Usage : ->meta() Purpose : Returns brick meta data Returns : brick meta data Argument : Throws : Comment : See Also : =head2 color_info Usage : ->color_info() Purpose : Returns hash of color info related to bricks current color Returns : hash of color info Argument : Throws : Comment : See Also : =head2 flatten Usage : ->flatten() Purpose : Returns an unblessed version of the data Returns : hashref of brick data Argument : Throws : Comment : See Also : =head1 BUGS =head1 SUPPORT =head1 AUTHOR Travis Chase CPAN ID: GAUDEON =head1 COPYRIGHT This program is free software licensed under the... The MIT License The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module. =head1 SEE ALSO perl(1). =cut 1;