Revision history for IPsonar

0.0    Date/time
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.

0.01    Date/time
        Start adding POD, clean up module name

0.15    Correct the code snippet.

0.16    Change the tests so that we skip the ones that require
        access to a report server when one isn't available.
        Also tweak the example and note that "Lumeta" and 
        "IPsonar" are registered marks of the Lumeta Corporation.

0.17    Fix the Makefile to reflect "MIME::Base64" instead of "Mime::Base64"

0.18    Add a usage section to the POD, start fleshing out the method

0.19    Clean up the POD directives to make pod2html happy.

0.22    Fix cpantesters errors about //= and the connection
        refused message under windows.

0.23    Fix the same connection refused message in 001a_setup.t

0.24    Adds a function to setup a connection to a local report server (which doesn't need a password)
        Fixes paging in cases where IPsonar doesn't return the number of rows it says it will.
        Also allow us to run under XML::Simple qw(:strict)

0.25    Fix a bug (introduced on 0.24) that caused the module to return array refs