Revision history for perl module Appium
0.08 2015-01-08
- Use 'caps' for alias of desired_capabilities in init args
- Remove inaccurate coercion on desired caps
0.0702 2014-12-05
- Add `page` command like arc's
- Add precise tap subroutine that maps does 'mobile: tap'
0.06 2014-11-27
- Fix error message for invalid finder strategies via dep upgrade
0.05 2014-11-13
- Restore restrictions about caps vs desired; this is just 0.03 again.
0.04 2014-11-12
- Loosen restrictions about caps vs desired_capabilities in
0.03 2014-11-11
- Use hard dependency on S-R-D v0.22 to allow us to use our own
Finders constant and ErrorHandler class.
- Add a slew of appium endpoints: notifs, network connections, lock,
shake, app management, file/folder managing, set_text, and others.
0.02 2014-08-08
- Add context management endpoints
- Use snake case for internal endpoints: hide_keyboard replaces
0.01 2014-08-07
- Initial release: only additional Appium-specific sub is