Revision history for Acme-Affinity

0.0112 2022-02-16 22:09:44
    - Specify Math::BigInt minimum version.

0.0111 2020-07-14 16:40:37
    - Fix documentation grammar.

0.0110 2020-07-14 14:16:28
    - Improve documentation.
    - Make all the attributes required.
    - Clean up test a bit.
    - Use an algorithm instead of hardcoded "you" answers in the eg/q_and_a program.

0.0109 2020-03-22 00:08:27
    - Improved the eg/q_and_a program.

0.0108 2020-03-21 23:45:08
    - Improve documentation.
    - Add the eg/q_and_a program to illustrate how this module might be used.

0.0107 2020-03-21 21:26:22
    - Improve documentation.

0.0106 2020-02-14 16:04:06
    - Remove accidental eg file.

0.0105 2020-02-14 15:49:34
    - Enhanced the eg/permutations code.

0.0104 2019-05-26 12:38:01
    - Use object accessors, not variables of accessors.
    - Math::BigRat->numify the returned ->score.
    - Add an example program to compute all possible scores.

0.0103 2019-03-31 21:02:46
    - Added 100% and 0% test cases.

0.0102 2017-11-03 02:05:50
    - Fixed tiny typo.
    - Improve variable naming.

0.0101 2017-11-03 01:37:57
    - Removed redundant NAME POD section.
    - Modularized the score() method.

0.01 2017-11-03 01:14:23
    - Minted by Dist::Zilla.
    - Ported functionality from personal devel repo.