Changes file for Chess::Coverage

0.0401 2008.08.04
    - This is a subclass of Chess::Rep, not its own thing

0.04 2008.08.03
    - Cleaned syntax and optimized looping a bit.
    - Made the test actually test coverage.

0.03 2008.08.03
    - Improved the occupant naming.
    - Replaced _get_allowed_moves() with map grep status().
    - print, not die in eg/tester.

0.02 2008.08.02
    - Refactored to accommodate the new Chess::Rep API.
    - Fixed the constructor FEN in eg/tester.

0.01 2008.08.02
    - Fixed the moves array computation, a bit.
    - Forgot the crucial, final 1; # Oops!

0.01 2008.08.02
    - Scrapped everything but the interface when I saw that the
      Chess::Rep module could do what I wanted with less code and in
      about 1/5th the execution speed.

0.00_4 2007.07.02
    - Fixed the coverage() function.

0.00_3 2007...?

0.00_2 2007.04.07
    - Lifted the "line_is_open" and "move_is_legal" functions of the
      Chess module and modified them, ever so slightly, for coverage

0.00_1 2007.03.10
    - Began the de-crustification, simplification, cleanup, rewrite of
      the old Games::Chess::Coverage packages.