Changes for Data::Turtle:
0.0200 2018-12-01
- Drop the unnecessary turn() method.
0.0107 2018-12-01
- Improve eg/lindenmayer-gd a bit more.
- Drop redundant NAME section.
- Update the SEE ALSO section.
0.0106 2018-03-18
- Improve documentation.
- Follow perlcritic and fix my conditional returns.
- Improve eg/lindenmayer-gd a bit.
0.0105 2018-03-18
- Add familiar Lindenmayer systems to the example script.
0.0104 2015-12-16
- (Attempt to) Fix a sometimes failing test.
- Improve documentation.
0.0103 2015-12-16
- Add eg/lindenmayer-gd
0.0102 2015-12-16
- Use POSIX::ceil() instead of int().
- Adjust SYNOPSIS code.
0.0101 2015-12-15
- Add eg/synopsis-gd.
- Add eg/synopsis-imager.
- Improve documentation.
0.01 2015-12-15
- Move from personal development repo.