Revision history for Perl extension Date::Baha::i.
0.01 Tue Mar 4 17:53:30 2003
- original version; created by h2xs 1.22 with options
-X -n Date::Baha::i
0.02 Wed Mar 5 2003
- Used constants in place of mystery literals.
- Moved the final date computations to a seperate, private
- Fixed feeble, broken test case.
0.03 Wed Mar 5 2003
- Added a time zone offset key to the date () return.
- Made date () return a hash, instead of a hasref.
- Added functions to return the names of cycles, years, months,
days, the days of the week, and hold days.
- Updated the test suite, of course.
0.03.1 Wed Mar 5 2003
- Ack! I'm a retard! I kept forgetting to add Date::Calc to
the Makefile.PL dependencies. *sob*