Revision history for Date-Baha-i
0.1902 2010.06.09
- Test with normalized date format to (hopefully) fix from_bahai.t.
0.1901 2010.06.07
- Forgot to flesh-out my Makefile.PL. Oops.
0.19 2010.06.06
- Refactored with Module::Starter.
- Removed needless POD.
- Removed zero padding in hopes that my failing test will pass...
** And now: Reverse history! **
0.01 Tue Mar 4 17:53:30 2003
- original version; created by h2xs 1.22 with options
-X -n Date::Baha::i
0.02 Wed Mar 5 2003
- Used constants in place of mystery literals.
- Moved the final date computations to a seperate, private subroutine.
- Fixed feeble, broken test case.
0.03 Wed Mar 5 2003
- Added a time zone offset key to the date () return.
- Made date () return a hash, instead of a hasref.
- Added functions to return the names of cycles, years, months, days, the days of the week, and hold days.
- Updated the test suite, of course.
0.03.1 Wed Mar 5 2003
- Ack! I kept forgetting to add Date::Calc to the Makefile.PL dependencies. *sob*
0.04 Wed Mar 5 2003
- Added a Gregorian to Baha'i date function.
- Used Exporter.
- Updated the documentation and test suite, of course.
0.04.1 Thu Mar 6 2003
- Fixed incomplete documentation.
0.04.2 Thu Mar 6 2003
- Fixed export list.
- Gave _foo type names to "private" functions.
- Cleaned up documentation.
0.04.3 Fri Mar 7 2003
- Oof! I forgot to test install the package! Fixed the name of a private function call.
- Cleaned up documentation.
0.05 Fri Mar 7 2003
- Cleaned up and enhanced documentation.
- Returned friendly strings with the date names and ordinals, given scalar context for the date () and greg_to_bahai () functions.
- Updated test suite accordingly.
0.06 Fri Mar 21 2003 - Naw Ruz!
- Oof! Corrected the year calculation.
- Exported the as_string () function.
- Enhanced the as_string () function with diverse output representations.
- Updated documentation and test suite accordingly.
- Made the test suite non-lame. Yay!
0.06.1 Sat Mar 22 2003
- Cleaned up documentation.
0.06.2 Sat Mar 22 2003
- Oof! Fixed the syntax of a function call to which I had changed to interface.
- Deleted the timezone key from the returned date_hash in the test suite.
0.07 Sat Mar 22 2003
- Used gmtime in the date and greg_to_bahai functions, if asked to.
- Incremented the day number if we are using localtime. XXX: Why??
- Made tests use gmtime.
0.08 Sun Mar 23 2003
- Corrected the "addition of one day" in the date () function.
- Fixed the syntax of the HOLY_DAYS constant hash.
- Added the current holy day to the date, if the day is on one.
- Added a next_holy_day () function.
0.08.1 Sun Mar 23 2003
- Fixed documentation.
- Added a reminder to integrate with DateTime to the TO DO section.
0.09 Tue Apr 29 2003
- Fixed documentation.
- Replaced the Date::Calc::Date_to_Time () function with Time::Local in the greg_to_bahai () function.
0.10 Tue Apr 29 2003
- Ack. I'm a dork. I don't even need the greg_to_bahai() function. It has a dumb name too...
- In the same purge, I got rid of the stupid conversion to epoch seconds and back.
0.11 Tue Apr 29 2003
- Added the first and twelfth days of Ridvan to the HOLY_DAYS hash.
- Corrected the off-by-one error in the _invert_holy_days() function.
- Updated the test script, accordingly.
0.11.1 Wed Apr 30 2003
- Cleaned and fixed documentation.
0.11.2 Mon May 5 2003
- Fixed documentation a bit.
0.11.3 Wed May 7 2003
- Oof. Fixed the incorrect holy_day documentation.
0.12 Sun May 18 2003
- Fixed a misnaming that would miscalulate the holy day in a leap year Ayyam-i-Ha.
- Fixed the start date for the Ayyam-i-Ha HOLY_DAYS entry.
- Changed "timestamp" to "epoch".
- Renamed the date function to "to_bahai" and added sub date { goto &to_bahai }.
- Added a ymd from_bahai function.
- Replaced the heart of the to_bahai function with some simple date comparison code.
- Removed cumbersome helper functions that were only used in the to_bahai function.
- Made the next_holy_day function return a string in scalar context and a hash (instead of a hash reference) in array context.
- Cleaned up random bits of other code, in general.
- Fixed and enhanced documentation.
- Retooled the test suite to test every date in a Baha'i year for the to_bahai and from_bahai functions.
0.12.1 Sun May 18 2003
- Corrected and enhanced documentation.
0.12.2 Tue May 20 2003
- Cleaned a bit of code.
- Fixed as_string.t
0.12.3 Wed May 21 2003
- Fixed, pruned and augmented documentation.
0.13 Sun May 25 2003
- Deprecated (i.e. removed) the sub date.
- Fixed a sematic error in the "short alpha" clause of the as_string function.
- Removed the dow number from the "short numeric" as_string output.
- Changed the [month, day] HOLY_DAYS value to [''].
- Fixed the _invert_holy_days function accordingly.
- Removed the date returned by the next_holy_day function. Also, I made the function only operate in scalar context.
- Fixed documentation.
0.13.1 Fri Jul 11 2003
- Excised the unnecessary =head1 ABSTRACT section.
0.14 Fri Jul 18 2003
- Replaced Lingua::Num2Word (which mysteriously prints absolutely nothing under my Mac OS X Perl 5.6.1) with Lingua::EN::Numbers (which works perfectly).
- Tweezed documentation.
- Moved under lib/Date/Baha/.
0.15 Thu Jul 24 2003
- Ack! Forgot a Lingua::Num2Word under the as_string tz clauses.
- Added the (superior to the Date::Calc) tz_offset() and tz_name() functions (which made as_string() rock finally) from Time::Zone.
0.15.1 Thu Jul 24 2003
- Whoops. Added Time::Zone to the Makefile.PL (and README dependencies).
0.1502 Sun Sep 27 2003
- Updated POD.
- Put the version on it's own line.
0.16 First day of Ayyam-i-ha year 160
- Got rid of the annoying "pre-open-paren space after sub" call syntax.
- Made next_holy_day() work without arguments and also return the (Gregorian) date of the holy day.
0.1601 Sat Dec 1 2007
- Fixed the "non-numeric" test string that was changed since I last worked on this.
0.17 Sun Dec 2 2007
- Improved the as_string() English with TorgoX's Lingua::EN::Numbers::Years package.
- Why am I computing timezone logic? This is a *date* module not a time module. TZ is out.
0.18 Sun Dec 2 2007
- Improved as_string() yet again with num2en_ordinal().
- Updated tests for this.
- Removed cruft from the Makefile.
0.1801 Sun Dec 2 2007
- Repaired crusty POD. *No code changes.*
0.1802 Mon Dec 3 2007
- Whoops. Need to require 5.6 in the Makefile.