Revision history for Game-Theory-TwoPersonMatrix
0.2100 2019-06-01 16:28:32
- Added code to handle the weighted choice [0,0] case.
- Added sprintf() calls to test cases.
- Improved the eg/play code.
0.2007 2016-01-20 19:22:22
- Simplified code in eg/minimax and eg/maximin.
- Cleaned up distribution a bit.
- Improved documentation ever so slightly.
0.2006 2015-12-25 18:40:48
- Cleaned code a bit.
- Improved documentation slightly.
- Added eg/play-melody.
- Added the Test::Synopsis author plugin.
0.2005 2015-05-02 05:18:21
- Removed compiler restriction from eg/ scripts.
- Replaced numeric tests with cmp_ok ==.
0.2004 2015-05-01 08:18:02
- Enhanced the eg/play script with strategic subroutines.
- Improved documentation.
0.2003 2014-12-27 01:40:21
- Fixed the syntax of eg/play.
0.2002 2014-12-27 01:23:51
- Fixed copy-pasta eg/minimax messages.
0.2001 2014-12-27 01:11:43
- Improved documentation.
- Added a simplistic play() simulation under eg/.
0.20 2014-12-27 12:29:47
- Allowed s_expected_value() to handle non-zero-sum payoffs.
0.1903 2014-12-25 09:43:36
- Re-added a non-zero-sum play() test.
- Improved documentation.
- Fixed play() arguments - hashref to hash.
0.1902 2014-12-24 08:27:02
- Return play() as a strategy - outcome set, instead of just the outcome.
0.1901 2014-12-24 03:27:49
- Improved documentation!
0.19 2014-12-24 03:12:36
- Return a proper arrayref for non-zero-sum play().
- Improved documentation!
- Allowed alternate strategies to be given to play().
0.18 2014-12-24 12:33:54
- Added an actual play() method!
0.17 2014-12-24 09:15:11
- Allowed multiple saddlepoints to be found in non-symmetric games.
0.16 2014-12-23 06:07:49
- Enabled counter_strategy() computation for non-zero-sum games.
0.1504 2014-12-23 08:42:14
- Fixed misleading documentation.
0.1503 2014-12-22 08:41:40
- Improved documentation and added handy code comments.
0.1502 2014-12-21 06:21:21
- Handled non-zero-sum expected_payoff().
0.1501 2014-12-21 02:01:12
- Improved documentation.
0.15 2014-12-21 01:49:04
- Implemented the nash() equilibria method!
0.14 2014-12-21 09:39:33
- Made mm_tally() honor non-zero-sum games.
- Improved documentation.
- Added pareto_optimal().
0.13 2014-12-20 12:12:27
- Added mm_tally().
- Improved documentation.
0.1202 2014-12-19
- Improved documentation.
0.1201 2014-12-19
- Fixed strategy pruning logic in *reduce().
0.12 2014-12-19
- Split reduce() into row & col reduce() methods.
0.11 2014-12-19
- Added reduce() game reduction by strictly dominated rows or columns.
0.10 2014-12-17
- Added oddments() computation for 2x2 games.
0.09 2014-12-15
- Implemented saddlepoint computation for strictly domainated games.
0.0801 2014-12-14
- Fixed documented examples with crucial parens.
- Added minimx and maximin examples in eg/
0.08 2014-12-11
- Implemented counter_strategy()
0.07 2014-12-10
- Correctly enabled expected_value()
- Added tests from the cited textbook examples
0.06 2014-12-10
- Stripped down everything and starting over...
0.05 2014-12-10
- Added tests for mixed().
- Added the player_strategy() method, tests and docs.
- Added expected_value()
0.04 2014-11-18
- Re-added mixed() and Math::Calculus::* deps.
0.03 2014-08-30
- Improved documentation.
- Removed the broken dependency on the missing Math::Calculus::Expression module.
0.0201 2014-02-02
- Enhanced documentation!
0.02 2014-02-02
- Implemented optimal strategy equation computation via probabilities over
combined opponent strategic utilities.
0.0101 2014-01-29
- Improved documentation
- Added tests for negative utilities
0.01 2014-01-28
- Documented the thing!
- Moved functionality from script subs to module methods
- Minted by Dist::Zilla