Revision history for Graph::Weighted

0.01  Tue Jun 17 11:08:36 2003
    - original version; created by h2xs 1.22 with options -A -X -n Graph::WeightedNet

0.01.1  Sun Jun 29
    - Fixed documentation.

0.02  Sun Jun 29
    - Removed the unneccessary "reset_graph" method.
    - Added the forgotten "edgeless vertex" condition to the load(LoL) method.
    - Fixed the "edgeless vertex" condition semantics in the HoH and LoL load method cases.
    - Fixed test messages.
    - Fixed the text of this file.
    - Added better test conditions for the "zero_edges" flag setting.
    - Handled Math::MatrixReal objects in the load method.

0.03  Sun Jun 29
    - Fixed the README.
    - Fixed and enhanced the documentation.
    - Refactored the test script, big time.
    - Added a conditional test for Math::MatrixReal.
    - Renamed the "matrix" accessor to "data", since a HoH is not really a matrix.

0.04  Mon Jun 30
    - Changed the variables called "neighbor(s)" to "successor(s)", because what I was thinking of as neighbors were actually successors.
    - Made the load method handle Math::Matrix and Math::MatrixBool objects (without requiring that the modules be loaded).
    - Added conditional tests for these, of course.
    - Updated documentation, appropriately.

0.05  Wed Jul 2
    - Changed a * to a + in the load from MatrixBool RE.
    - Added the min and max _weight methods.
    - Updated documentation and test suite, accordingly.

0.05.1  Wed Jul 2
    - Removed the unneccessary graph_weight computation in the constructor.
    - Fixed innocuous documentation typo.

0.06  Thu Jul 3
    - Added initialization for the heaviest and lightest vertex lists.

0.07  Fri Jul 4
    - Added tests for empty data references.
    - Added croaks for undefined vertices in the vertex_ and edge_weight methods.

0.08  Fri Jul 11 2003
    - Enhanced the documentation.

0.08.1  Fri Jul 11 2003
    - Excised the unnecessary =head1 ABSTRACT section.

0.09  Tue Jul 14 2003
    - Fixed my malformed matrix skip tests.  Thank you Randy Kobes!
    - Fixed my
        eval { $g = G::W->new(...) }; ok !$@, 'blah blah';
      tests to be,
        $g = eval { G::W->new(...) }; isa_ok $g, GW, 'blah blah'
      Thank you Andy Lester!

0.10  Wed Jul 30 2003
    - Wow.  Where should I begin...
    - Basically, I refactored every single method to accept an attribute argument or use a class default.
    - Added as an expression of this.
    - Updated the documentatiion to detail this new generic API.
    - Made tests for the default behavior and, as nearly identical copies of the original (for

0.11  Thu Jul 31 2003
    - Whoopsy.  Left unnecessary tests in capacity.t.
    - Added the "retrieve_as" attribute to the class so that the data can be pulled out as either a hash or array reference.
    - Enhanced documentation all over, in and

0.12  Thu Jul 31 2003
    - Oof!  Forgot the "Graph/" part of the paths in the distro and the Makefile.PL.

0.13  Fri Aug  1 2003
    - Tweezed the cargo-culted cruft from the documentation.
    - Added the forgotten "fullest" and "emptiest" methods to
    - Enhanced the API Methods documentation section in

0.1301  Sun Sep 27 2003
    - Made $VERSION a real number and put it on it's own line.

00.14_1   Sat Dec 1 2007
    - Retired because the parent has weight functionality now.