Revision history for MIDI-Simple-Drummer

0.0811 2022-10-23 10:06:18
    - Avoid implicit imports.

0.0810 2021-04-09 23:17:52
    - Don't import anything from MIDI::Simple.
    - Update 32nd, 64th & 128th note duration values.

0.0808 2020-07-15 01:23:32
    - Remove leftover references to "alternate kits."

0.0807 2020-07-14 22:47:13
    - Do not include the slideshow POD.
    - Add missing changes to the previous release (below).

0.0806 2020-07-14 22:30:53
    - Clean up test code a bit.
    - Remove references to "alternate kits" that didn't work.
    - Add the eg/rock-exercises program.
    - Rename eg/test to eg/five because it's in 5/4 time.
    - Include the Back In Black transcription in the distro.

0.0805 2020-06-09 16:29:49
    - Fix child module POD.

0.0804 2020-06-09 16:09:55
    - Update dist.ini directives.
    - Improve documentation.
    - Add the 128th duration.
    - Cleaned-up test code.

0.0803    2015-10-04 17:53:32-05:00 America/Chicago
    - Replaced the broken rock SYNOPSIS example with a working example.

0.0802    2015-10-04 16:44:34-05:00 America/Chicago
    - Removed unneeded, accidentally included distribution files.

0.0801    2015-10-04 16:35:01-05:00 America/Chicago
    - Fix crucial SYNOPSIS typo.

0.08      2014-10-12 21:06:54-04:00 America/New_York
    - Fixed the MIDI time_signature finally!

0.0701    2014-08-30 09:25:54-04:00 America/New_York
    - Gave life to the Euclidean module via J Mates.
    - Added the rotate($necklace) method.
    - Added Euclidean tests!
    - Removed Funky cruft until it's actually ready for prime time.
    - Fixed POD

0.0601    2014-03-03 19:16:51EST-0500 America/New_York
    - Creating eg/back-in-black...
    - Fixed accidental phrase duplication in Rock patterns.
    - Modularized Rock "half beat" code.
    - Added Funk placeholder...

0.06      2014-01-13 22:45:55 America/New_York
    - Enabled MIDI drumkit types (e.g. "power", "brushes").
    - Enabled MIDI reverb and chorus effect setting.
    - Made the rudiment code generically useful.
    - Improved the eg/ rock-drummer and metronome.
    - Set backbeat to "kick snare kick" if the time signature is a multiple of 3.

0.05      2013-12-26 08:09:30 America/New_York
    - Improved documentation!
    - Added the rest of the rudiments.

0.04      2013-12-23 20:26:35 America/Los_Angeles
    - Added bitmask representation handling.
    - Improved documentation!
    - Enabled reverb and chorus CC effects.
    - Added the -pan_width attribute.
    - Enabled the accent_note() method.
    - Added all but one roll and diddle phrases.

0.03      2013.01.27
    - Added time signature support and tests.
    - Replaced duration computaton with the Music:Duration module.
    - Added Changes versioning plugin.
    - Added spellchecking plugin.
    - Removed niave swing() method until true wisdom emerges.
    - Made the eg/basics script more user-friendly.
    - Flesh-out panning features in the Rudiments module.
    - Added a couple more rudiments and better tests.

0.02_1    2012.02.23
    - Added MIDI panning (CC#10).

 ^^^ version mix-up vvv

0.0201    2012.02.05
    - Updated copyright year.
    - Added M-S-D-Rudiments module.
    - Added tests for Rudiments.

 ^^^ version mix-up vvv

0.02      2011.11.17
    - Added multi-track capability, testing and POD enhancement.
    - Added explicit in-line comments.

0.0101    2011.01.05
    - Refactored with Dist::Zilla.

0.01      2011.01.04
    - Added rhythm metric attributes called bars() and swing().
    - It didn't mean a thing when it didn't have that swing.
    - Made tests and an example jazz drummer.
    - Updated the other example programs.
    - Updated POD and comments.
    - Removed API.pod.

0.00_23   2010.06.19
    - How about a Makefile.PL to go with the distribution? Eh?

0.00_22   2010.06.15
    - Fixed -kit vs Kit, -pat vs Pat, mixup. :\
    - Fixed pattern name tests.
    - Began to turn the API POD into a Pod::S5 slideshow.

0.00_21   Fri 2010.05.15
    - Cleaned up docs a bit.

0.00_20   Fri 2010.05.14
    - Normalized things and cleaned up a bit.
    - Made eg/* work again. :)

0.00_19   Fri 2010.05.14
    - Refactored to use proper inheritance for distinct styles.
    - Cleaned up much ugliness.

0.00_18   Wed 2010.04.28
    - Factored-out kits and patterns.
    - Perceived the ugliness that I hacked-up... Must fix ASAP.

0.00_17   Sat Nov 14, 2009
    - Added bpm, volume and accent accessors and an accent method.
    - Spruced-up POD.
    - Added a beat() method TODO test.

0.00_16   Tue Nov 10, 2009
    - Fixed an option_strike() beat call that fubar'd the testing.
    - Fixed mistaken method example syntax in POD.
    - Improved eg/drummer again and made an eg/metronome.

0.00_15   Sat Nov 8, 2009
    - Repaired tests.
    - Improved eg/drummer.
    - Streamlined the pattern/key logic.

0.00_14   Sat Oct 31, 2009
    - Reorganized POD sections.
    - Renamed the fill aptterns to be more meaningful.

0.00_13   Thu Oct 29, 2009
    - Collapsed known pattern code.
    - Improved POD.
    - Made eg/basics a more useful example.

0.00_12   Thu Oct 29, 2009
    - Whoops. Recorrectified.

0.00_11   Thu Oct 29, 2009
    - Smoothified.
    - Improveified.
    - Correctificated.
    - Enhancified.

0.00_10   Mon Oct 19, 2009
    - Note to self: Read the 0.00_09 change notes.
    - Fix eg/drummer.

0.00_09   Mon Oct 19, 2009
    - Note to self: Don't release a distro when you are more tired than alive.

0.00_08   Mon Oct 19, 2009
    - Simplified the public and internal interface.

0.00_07   Sat Oct 17, 2009
    - Something good happened, I'm sure...

0.00_06   Sat Oct 17, 2009
    - Fixed eq/drummer that was "backwards."
    - Made the package synopsis identical to eg/drummer.

0.00_05   Sat Oct 17, 2009
    - Renamed methods.
    - Began adding tests.
    - Enhanced POD.

0.00_04   Tue Oct 13, 2009
    - Allowed user defined patterns to be added to the repertoire.
    - Improved code! Imagine that!
    - Improved documentation.
    - Added POD tests.

0.00_03   Sun Oct 11, 2009
    - Wtf? The _02 distro is blank?

0.00_02   Sun Oct 11, 2009
    - Fixed distribution files and documentation.

0.00_01   Sat Oct 10, 2009
    - First version, released on an unsuspecting world by Module::Starter.
    - Made it live in the Possible Now.