Revision history for Perl extension URI::Collection

0.01  Thu Mar  6 23:18:13 2003
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.22 with options
		-X -n URI::Collection

0.01.1  Sun Mar 16
    - Oops.  Fixed my Makefile.PL PREREQ_PMs.

0.01.2  Sun Mar 16
    - Fixed documentation.

0.01.3  Mon Mar 17
    - Repaired Makefile.PL and respective documentation.

0.02  Wed Mar 19
    - Added a save_as feature to the as_* () methods.
    - Saved to the correct top level Favorites directory, instead of a
      tree-mirror of the entire path to the Favorites.
    - Used File::Spec to be portable across platforms with respect to
      the Favorites category-paths.
    - Handled forward slashes in category names in a friendly, 
      transparent way.

0.02.1  Wed Mar 19
    - Aww!  I left in an incorrect NOTE section regarding a fix I had
      made in the previous release.  :-(

0.03  Thu Mar 20
    - Added a "SIMILAR STUFF" documentation section.
    - Fleshed out my increasingly less feeble tests.

0.03.1  Fri Jul 11 2003
    - Excised the unnecessary =head1 ABSTRACT section.

0.04  Sat Aug  9 2003
    - Put the pm under lib/URI.
    - Made the icky globals object attributes.
    - Cleaned up the _traverse() code.
    - Enhanced the POD (eg. added the missing fetch_items() method).
    - Made the testscript actually do something useful!  More to come
    - Put the bookmarks and favorites (ones without spaces in
      filenames) in an eg/ directory.
    - Removed the perl version restriction.

0.05  Mon Aug 11 2003
    - Had to change the "file_mode" value in the favs for some
      mystery reason.  : (
    - Replaced the file and directory object attributed with
      links => [].
    - Moved the _traverse and _parse_file calls to the _init method.
    - Made _init handle the links arrayref.
    - Made fetch_items build and return a hashref instead of an
    - Allowed fetch_items to resrict what is found with category,
      title and url arguments.
    - Added the _title_and_url method to make fetch_items less
      bloated looking.
    - Made _traverse accept a directory argument again.
    - Added \Q and \E to the category RE that strips off the path (in
    - Added a 'Title' section to win IE favorites.
    - Made _parse_file accept a filename argument again.
    - Wrapped the Netscape::Bookmarks constructor in an eval (and
      croak with $@).
    - Fixed and enhanced the POD in numerous ways...
    - Fixed the WinIE favorites in various ways, to enhance testing.

0.06  Mon Aug 11 2003
    - Whoops! Updating the POD to reflect functionality might be a
      good idea -before- uploading to CPAN. : \

0.07  Mon Aug 11 2003
    - Replaced N::B::Alias=>0 with N::B::Link=>1.1, in the hope that
      "Josts Smokehouse" has an old version.  :-(

0.08  Tue Aug 12 2003
    - Nope.  That was not the answer.  LAMENESS.
    - Made a _matches function to simplify fetch_items.
    - Added an is_item method.
    - Drop the foolish and unnecessary saving of bookmark and
      favorites objects internally.
    - Return the bookmarks or favorites as a string or hash of string
      lists as well as writing them to disk. 
    - Use IO:String to handle the annoying
      Config::IniFiles::OutputConfig method.
    - Update and enhance POD with better usage examples, etc.
    - Added tests for all untested methods.
    - Suddenly, a n::b::category needs an id attribute... that is not
      even used, apparantly.
    - Added _debug calls to as_bm_file.

0.09_01  Tue May 04 2005 (by Enrique Castilla at
    - Changed the internal data structure.
    - Now, objects URI::Collection encapsulates much more information for each
    - url files that live in directory passed to new are associated to category
      called '.' in internal data structure.
    - Bookmarks of Netscape files associated to level 0 categories are 
      associated to a category called '.' in internal data structure.
      In previous release this was the pseudo-category 'Favorite'.
    - Fixed a bug with this category.
    - Fixed what I think it is a bug, at least in Win32: when passed an
      absolute dir to new, category names in internal data structure were
      prefixed with that absolute path.
      Now categories are relative paths.
    - Althought now the internal data structure is richer, fetch_items returns
      the same thing for backward compatibility.
    - Added a new function fetch that returns the entire internal data
      structure or select links by regexes.
    - Added a new function set that changes the entire internal data structure.
    - Added new test file for testing fetch and set (2.t)
    - Modified 1.t 
    - Modified documentation.
    - All source modifications have been done preserving all source code, adding
      new source and writting #------------ around (see source). Also test file.
    - Changed prerequisites in Makefile.PL: it specifies module 
      Netscape::Bookmarks::Link, but not only it is used, also in currently
      production version of Netscape::Bookmak::... module doesn't exist
      'recurse' function, wich is used. Currently this function is in release
      2.2_01 of distribution package.
    - Eliminated shell metacharacters in link titles (substituted by '.').