version: 0.44
date: Wed Jul 18 22:15:04 EDT 2012
- Added an example for ->assert and fixed the \E warnings on 5.16, courtesy shlomi fish
version: 0.44
date: Wed Oct 5 18:11:27 EDT 2011
- Switch from testing $^V to $^] in DESTROY since $^V comparisons leak pre-5.14 (mst)
version: 0.43
date: Wed Jul 20 08:34:01 PDT 2011
- Fix directory scalar deref for mst++
version: 0.42
date: Mon Jul 18 11:31:43 PDT 2011
- Doc work and tests by Shlomi Fish
- Use Module::Package
- Fix rt41819
version: 0.41
date: Mon Aug 16 22:33:45 PDT 2010
- Recent Test::More was triggering errors in file_spec.t.
- Thanks to Torsten Raudssus for a fix. Getty++
version: 0.40
date: Sun Aug 15 15:22:12 PDT 2010
- Fixed a bug in t/chdir.t
version: 0.39
date: Thu Dec 11 23:22:56 PST 2008
- Fix tests on 5.6.
version: 0.38
date: Mon Apr 9 10:52:44 JST 2007
- Add generic encoding, instead of just utf8.
version: 0.37
date: Fri Apr 6 18:04:27 JST 2007
- make catdir work with current dir in addition to other args.
- make catfile work with current dir in addition to other args.
- Add support for import flags like -strict and -utf8
version: 0.36
date: Mon Oct 16 14:48:58 PDT 2006
- Applied the patch from http://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=20053 Made sure Carp is required and the sub Carp::carp is predeclared in IO/All.pm.
version: 0.35
Tue May 9 08:25:37 PDT 2006 changes:
- Remove dependency on XXX.pm *groan*
version: 0.34
date: Mon May 8 01:03:12 PDT 2006
- Remove dependency on Spiffy.pm
- Apply patches and fix bugs from rt
- rt tickets - 11552 12048 14184 12966 13879 17105 7448 11463 7410 7337 7527
version: 0.33
date: Fri Dec 17 02:33:41 PST 2004
- Fixed some nagging problems with the tests
version: 0.32
date: Wed Dec 15 12:19:44 PST 2004
- io('path/to/symlink') would return a file object if the link was to a file. (Dave Rolsky)
- $link->readlink incorrectly returned a new IO::All::Link object, no matter what the link pointed to. (Dave Rolsky)
- io($io_all_object) would not return an object of the same type as the object give to io(), it would always return a plain IO::All object. (Dave Rolsky)
- add head and tail methods
version: 0.31
date: Sun Aug 8 22:49:46 PDT 2004
- added readdir
- let exists work on non-existant filename
version: 0.31
date: Sat Jul 24 20:19:10 PDT 2004
- absolute, relative, pathname
- chdir
- stat on unopened file/dir
version: 0.30
date: Mon Jul 19 11:23:15 PDT 2004
- Split module into several classes
- Pluggable framework
- file->all
- ->touch
- ->empty
version: 0.22
date: Tue Jun 1 11:20:17 PDT 2004
- Make tests pass on MSWin32 :P
- Added exists method
version: 0.21
date: Sat May 29 12:45:00 PDT 2004
- Fixed buglets in sockets
- Added Cookbook example for Tiny Web Server
version: 0.20
date: Thu May 27 01:46:04 PDT 2004
- Rewrote documentation
- Refactored construction
- File::Spec support
- File::Path support
- lots of new methods
version: 0.20
date: Mon May 24 17:02:24 PDT 2004
- DBM support
- MLDBM support
- chomp support
- Fixed forking server zombie issues
- Replaced flags with methods (-tie -fork -lock, etc)
- Added chainable options: assert, chomp, deep, rdonly, rdwr, sort
- Fixed problems with perl-5.6.1 and Solaris
version: 0.18
date: Sun May 16 17:40:37 PDT 2004
- Get the shift out
- Support DBM files as has overload
- Add ->scalar() method
- close orphaned socket on fork after accept
- seek now opens file for read/write
- polish subtle behaviour
- added stat functions
version: 0.17
date: Fri May 7 01:14:36 PDT 2004
- File to File copy use File::Copy for speed
version: 0.16
date: Mon Mar 22 23:35:32 PST 2004
- Added tests for some subtleties
- Added check_nmake to Makefile.PL
version: 0.15
date: Mon Mar 15 09:50:46 PST 2004
- Got things working on MSWin32
- turned off lock.t on solaris and cygwin for now
version: 0.14
date: Mon Mar 15 00:19:21 PST 2004
- Added multiple dispatch overloading
- Added Tie::File support
version: 0.13
date: Fri Mar 12 00:02:10 PST 2004
- Accidentally left debugging code in module.
version: 0.12
date: Tue Mar 2 21:50:05 PST 2004
- Require IO::String
version: 0.11
date: Tue Mar 2 09:21:39 PST 2004
- Depend on newer Spiffy
version: 0.10
date: Sat Feb 7 00:55:42 PST 2004
- Initial release.