Revision history for MooseX-POE

0.212     2011-04-02 20:53:13 Europe/Berlin
    - Fix for double BUILD (doy)

0.211     2010-12-05 22:17:17 America/New_York
    + Switched to Test::Fatal (perigrin)

0.210     2010-11-04 21:48:59 Europe/Berlin
    + Switched to Dist::Zilla for the author (Getty)

0.209     2010-09-26
    + Remove useless call to ->_meta_instance (autarch)

0.208     2010-08-10
    + Added new timer features (Getty)
    - Remove AutoInstall reference in Makefile.PL (Getty)

0.206     2010-07-27
    - Avoid warnings with Moose 1.09 (Dave Rolsky)
    - fix CHILD and PARENT methods (xsawyerx)
    - various doc/example/test fixes (Avar, perigrin, Getty)

0.205     2009-06-26
    - Fix inheritance of events (BinGOs)
    - Add tests (BinGOs)
    - Make sure that SENDER in START methods is correct (BinGOs)	

0.204     2009-06-12
    - remove auto_install at nothingmuch's request (perigrin)

0.203     2009-05-30
    + Add stubbed documentation for metaclasses (perigrin)
    + Clean up aliased test to set inline_constructor => 0 (perigrin)
    + Update Makefile.PL to include AutoManifest and Repository (perigrin)
    + Clean out Object Deferred since it's been broken and nobody noticed (perigrin)

0.202     2009-05-11
    + Change alias_method to add_method as that's not been deprecated (perigrin)
    + Clean up the SYNOPSIS a bit, the name attribute was useless. 
    + Changes to keep constructor inlining working with latest Moose &
      Class::MOP. This module will still work with any Moose from 0.74
      on up.

0.201     2009-04-02
    + Document the hell out of MooseX::Declare weirdness (perigrin)
    + Update the rest of the documentation including authors and whatnot (perigrin)

0.200     2009-04-02
    + Fairly substantial re-write of the internals (ash)
    + Made everything a Metaclass Role / Trait. This will break backwards
      compatibility with the previous method of using MooseX::POE::SweetArgs. (ash)
    + Now compatible with MooseX::Declare ... in theory ... with tests (ash)
    + Add example from the POE Cookbook (LordVorp)

0.100     2009-01-11
    + Change to Moose::Exporter

0.090     2008-11-08
    + add MANIFEST.SKIP 
    - Remove OSX Files

0.080     2008-11-07
    + add MooseX::POE::SweetArgs metaclass (hdp)
    + Sessions are no longer leaked because they are only referenced by ID (nothingmuch)
    + Add MooseX::POE::Role (nothingmuch)
    + Add MooseX::POE::Aliased role (nothingmuch)

0.070     2008-02-03
    + attributes can now be weak_ref=>1 (rjbs)

0.060     2008-01-25
    + START now get all the POE arguments again like they used to. (ash)

0.050     2008-01-22
    + startup calls STARTALL, which calls all STARTS (like BUILDALL, etc.) (rjbs)
    + fix to the fix for MooseX::Daemonize skipping (Dave Rolsky)
    + fixing MooseX::Object::Deferred so that it brings in the right metaclass 
      -- this feature is alpha and has 0 tests YMMV

0.0.4     2008-01-17
    (functionally the same as 0.03)
    + Fix test to skip if MooseX::Daemonize not installed

0.0.3     2008-01-15
    + fix Synopsis code to close bug #31432 (sproingie)
0.0.2     2007-10-23
    + fix POD
    + fix tests

0.0.1     2007-10-11 16:58:27 America/New_York
    + Initial release.