Revision history for Perl extension HTML::FillInForm::Lite.

1.09 Mon Jun 28 18:47:44 2010
	- Add an exportable function fillinform()
	- Make fill() accept string-like objects as sources

1.08 Wed May 19 12:03:53 2010
	- Re-support 5.6.0

1.07 Thu Oct  1 13:34:01 2009
	- Optimize regular expressions for utf8-flagged contents

1.06 Wed Jul  8 14:08:23 2009
	- update MANIFEST

1.05 Tue Jul  7 18:03:07 2009
	- fix a bug on undef in hash refs (thanks Chiba san)

1.04 Sat May  2 15:39:35 2009
	- not to add extra '/' to the end of <input> to be compatible with HTML 4

1.03 Fri Oct 17 18:45:28 2008
	- add 'layer' option for input PerlIO layers
	- remove HTML::Entities dependency
	- change HTML::FillInForm::Lite::Compat to warn incompatible options

1.02 Sat Jul 19 15:50:41 2008
	- add pod tests
	- require 5.8.1 or later to make code simpler
	- chaneg Makefile.PL to use Module::Install
	- fix typo in pods

1.01 Thu Apr 10 15:59:13 2008
	- add "image" and "file" to default ignore_types

1.00 Tue Mar  4 09:25:58 2008
	- no big feature change
	- internal cleanup
	- fixed a problem of capital <OPTION> tags
	- fixed documents
	- add '=encoding' directive to

0.10 Sun Mar  2 12:15:22 2008
	- fixed version line in

0.09 Sun Mar  2 11:37:55 2008
	- improve inheritance compatibility
		(now _get_param() is inheritable)
	- add 'decode_entity' option
	- add t/09decode_entity.t
	- reform HTML::FillInForm::Lite::Compat
	- add t/10compat.t
	- remove 'ignore_fields' option because of its incompatibility

0.08 Tue Feb 26 10:58:00 2008
	- fixed a problem in processing 'select-one'
	- add t/08select-extra.t
	- add some tests
	- re-skipped encoding tests if not defined &utf8::is_utf8
	- add t/06encoding_sjis.t
	- rename t/06fobj.t => t/07fobj.t

0.07 Sat Feb 23 09:12:22  2008
	- allow any object as form data
		(the idea comes from Class::DBI::Plugin::Param)
	- treat the utf8-flagged data better if perl >= 5.8.1
		(the idea comes from HTML::FillInForm::ForceUTF8)
	- remove 'ignore_types' option from the document,
		because of its incompatibility.
		it may be removed in the future version.
	- add t/06fobj.t
	- add utf8-flagged tests to t/05encoding.t
	- add misc/demo.cgi for utf8 demonstration

0.06 Thu Feb 21 19:56:55  2008
	- fixed a bug of multi-fields
	- fixed a bug of "target => 0"
	- add several tests
	- add misc/demo.cgi
	- remove tokanizer tests
	- a bit of optiomization

0.05 Sun Feb 17 09:51:17  2008
	- [IMPORTANT] fixed a bug of 'radio' fields
		(now using 'checked' to check it, not 'selected')
	- skip encoding test in 5.6.x
	- changed 'disable_fields' to be ignored
		because it seems meaningless in HTML::FillInForm
		(at least as of version 2.0)

0.04 Thu Feb 14 22:51:10  2008
	- param() called always in list context
	- fixed some tests to be success on 5.6.x
	- add a few tests

0.032 Wed Feb 13 18:26:35 2008
	- no code changed
	- fixed encoding in JA.pod from Shift_JIS to UTF-8

0.031 Wed Feb 13 12:05:12 2008
	- fixed NAME section in JA.pod to be indexed correctly

0.03  Wed Feb 13 09:01:32 2008
	- now the value undef of an option means "to be default"
	- add "escape" option
	- add JA.pod
	- fixed typo in the pod

0.02  Fri Feb  8 08:51:28 2008
	- [IMPORTANT] fixed to html-escape when filling in textarea
	- fixed not to incorrect html-unescape in checking values
	- add tokenizer tests to t/00basic.t
	- add LIMITATIONS section to the pod

0.01  Sat Dec  1 20:18:47 2007
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
		-AXPn HTML::FillInForm::Lite