package Mouse; use 5.006_002; use strict; use warnings; our $VERSION = '0.34'; use Exporter; use Carp 'confess'; use Scalar::Util 'blessed'; use Mouse::Util qw(load_class is_class_loaded not_supported); use Mouse::Meta::Module; use Mouse::Meta::Class; use Mouse::Meta::Role; use Mouse::Meta::Attribute; use Mouse::Object; use Mouse::Util::TypeConstraints (); our @ISA = qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT = qw( extends with has before after around override super augment inner blessed confess ); our %is_removable = map{ $_ => undef } @EXPORT; delete $is_removable{blessed}; delete $is_removable{confess}; sub extends { Mouse::Meta::Class->initialize(scalar caller)->superclasses(@_) } sub has { my $meta = Mouse::Meta::Class->initialize(scalar caller); my $name = shift; $meta->add_attribute($_ => @_) for ref($name) ? @{$name} : $name; } sub before { my $meta = Mouse::Meta::Class->initialize(scalar caller); my $code = pop; for (@_) { $meta->add_before_method_modifier($_ => $code); } } sub after { my $meta = Mouse::Meta::Class->initialize(scalar caller); my $code = pop; for (@_) { $meta->add_after_method_modifier($_ => $code); } } sub around { my $meta = Mouse::Meta::Class->initialize(scalar caller); my $code = pop; for (@_) { $meta->add_around_method_modifier($_ => $code); } } sub with { Mouse::Util::apply_all_roles(scalar(caller), @_); } our $SUPER_PACKAGE; our $SUPER_BODY; our @SUPER_ARGS; sub super { # This check avoids a recursion loop - see # t/100_bugs/020_super_recursion.t return if defined $SUPER_PACKAGE && $SUPER_PACKAGE ne caller(); return unless $SUPER_BODY; $SUPER_BODY->(@SUPER_ARGS); } sub override { my $meta = Mouse::Meta::Class->initialize(caller); my $pkg = $meta->name; my $name = shift; my $code = shift; my $body = $pkg->can($name) or confess "You cannot override '$name' because it has no super method"; $meta->add_method($name => sub { local $SUPER_PACKAGE = $pkg; local @SUPER_ARGS = @_; local $SUPER_BODY = $body; $code->(@_); }); } sub inner { not_supported } sub augment{ not_supported } sub init_meta { shift; my %args = @_; my $class = $args{for_class} or confess("Cannot call init_meta without specifying a for_class"); my $base_class = $args{base_class} || 'Mouse::Object'; my $metaclass = $args{metaclass} || 'Mouse::Meta::Class'; confess("The Metaclass $metaclass must be a subclass of Mouse::Meta::Class.") unless $metaclass->isa('Mouse::Meta::Class'); # make a subtype for each Mouse class Mouse::Util::TypeConstraints::class_type($class) unless Mouse::Util::TypeConstraints::find_type_constraint($class); my $meta = $metaclass->initialize($class); $meta->add_method(meta => sub{ return $metaclass->initialize(ref($_[0]) || $_[0]); }); $meta->superclasses($base_class) unless $meta->superclasses; return $meta; } sub import { my $class = shift; strict->import; warnings->import; my $opts = do { if (ref($_[0]) && ref($_[0]) eq 'HASH') { shift @_; } else { +{ }; } }; my $level = delete $opts->{into_level}; $level = 0 unless defined $level; my $caller = caller($level); # we should never export to main if ($caller eq 'main') { warn qq{$class does not export its sugar to the 'main' package.\n}; return; } $class->init_meta( for_class => $caller, ); if (@_) { __PACKAGE__->export_to_level( $level+1, $class, @_); } else { # shortcut for the common case of no type character no strict 'refs'; for my $keyword (@EXPORT) { *{ $caller . '::' . $keyword } = *{__PACKAGE__ . '::' . $keyword}; } } } sub unimport { my $caller = caller; my $stash = do{ no strict 'refs'; \%{$caller . '::'} }; for my $keyword (@EXPORT) { my $code; if(exists $is_removable{$keyword} && ($code = $caller->can($keyword)) && (Mouse::Util::get_code_info($code))[0] eq __PACKAGE__){ delete $stash->{$keyword}; } } } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Mouse - Moose minus the antlers =head1 SYNOPSIS package Point; use Mouse; # automatically turns on strict and warnings has 'x' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Int'); has 'y' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Int'); sub clear { my $self = shift; $self->x(0); $self->y(0); } package Point3D; use Mouse; extends 'Point'; has 'z' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Int'); after 'clear' => sub { my $self = shift; $self->z(0); }; =head1 DESCRIPTION L<Moose> is wonderful. B<Use Moose instead of Mouse.> Unfortunately, Moose has a compile-time penalty. Though significant progress has been made over the years, the compile time penalty is a non-starter for some very specific applications. If you are writing a command-line application or CGI script where startup time is essential, you may not be able to use Moose. We recommend that you instead use L<HTTP::Engine> and FastCGI for the latter, if possible. Mouse aims to alleviate this by providing a subset of Moose's functionality, faster. We're also going as light on dependencies as possible. L<Class::Method::Modifiers::Fast> or L<Class::Method::Modifiers> is required if you want support for L</before>, L</after>, and L</around>. =head2 MOOSE COMPATIBILITY Compatibility with Moose has been the utmost concern. Fewer than 1% of the tests fail when run against Moose instead of Mouse. Mouse code coverage is also over 96%. Even the error messages are taken from Moose. The Mouse code just runs the test suite 4x faster. The idea is that, if you need the extra power, you should be able to run C<s/Mouse/Moose/g> on your codebase and have nothing break. To that end, we have written L<Any::Moose> which will act as Mouse unless Moose is loaded, in which case it will act as Moose. Since Mouse is a little sloppier than Moose, if you run into weird errors, it would be worth running: ANY_MOOSE=Moose perl to see if the bug is caused by Mouse. Moose's diagnostics and validation are also much better. =head2 MouseX Please don't copy MooseX code to MouseX. If you need extensions, you really should upgrade to Moose. We don't need two parallel sets of extensions! If you really must write a Mouse extension, please contact the Moose mailing list or #moose on IRC beforehand. =head2 Maintenance The original author of this module has mostly stepped down from maintaining Mouse. See L<>. If you would like to help maintain this module, please get in touch with us. =head1 KEYWORDS =head2 C<< $object->meta -> Mouse::Meta::Class >> Returns this class' metaclass instance. =head2 C<< extends superclasses >> Sets this class' superclasses. =head2 C<< before (method|methods) => CodeRef >> Installs a "before" method modifier. See L<Moose/before> or L<Class::Method::Modifiers/before>. Use of this feature requires L<Class::Method::Modifiers>! =head2 C<< after (method|methods) => CodeRef >> Installs an "after" method modifier. See L<Moose/after> or L<Class::Method::Modifiers/after>. Use of this feature requires L<Class::Method::Modifiers>! =head2 C<< around (method|methods) => CodeRef >> Installs an "around" method modifier. See L<Moose/around> or L<Class::Method::Modifiers/around>. Use of this feature requires L<Class::Method::Modifiers>! =head2 C<< has (name|names) => parameters >> Adds an attribute (or if passed an arrayref of names, multiple attributes) to this class. Options: =over 4 =item C<< is => ro|rw|bare >> If specified, inlines a read-only/read-write accessor with the same name as the attribute. =item C<< isa => TypeConstraint >> Provides type checking in the constructor and accessor. The following types are supported. Any unknown type is taken to be a class check (e.g. C<< isa => 'DateTime' >> would accept only L<DateTime> objects). Any Item Bool Undef Defined Value Num Int Str ClassName Ref ScalarRef ArrayRef HashRef CodeRef RegexpRef GlobRef FileHandle Object For more documentation on type constraints, see L<Mouse::Util::TypeConstraints>. =item C<< required => Bool >> Whether this attribute is required to have a value. If the attribute is lazy or has a builder, then providing a value for the attribute in the constructor is optional. =item C<< init_arg => Str | Undef >> Allows you to use a different key name in the constructor. If undef, the attribute can't be passed to the constructor. =item C<< default => Value | CodeRef >> Sets the default value of the attribute. If the default is a coderef, it will be invoked to get the default value. Due to quirks of Perl, any bare reference is forbidden, you must wrap the reference in a coderef. Otherwise, all instances will share the same reference. =item C<< lazy => Bool >> If specified, the default is calculated on demand instead of in the constructor. =item C<< predicate => Str >> Lets you specify a method name for installing a predicate method, which checks that the attribute has a value. It will not invoke a lazy default or builder method. =item C<< clearer => Str >> Lets you specify a method name for installing a clearer method, which clears the attribute's value from the instance. On the next read, lazy or builder will be invoked. =item C<< handles => HashRef|ArrayRef >> Lets you specify methods to delegate to the attribute. ArrayRef forwards the given method names to method calls on the attribute. HashRef maps local method names to remote method names called on the attribute. Other forms of L</handles>, such as regular expression and coderef, are not yet supported. =item C<< weak_ref => Bool >> Lets you automatically weaken any reference stored in the attribute. Use of this feature requires L<Scalar::Util>! =item C<< trigger => CodeRef >> Any time the attribute's value is set (either through the accessor or the constructor), the trigger is called on it. The trigger receives as arguments the instance, the new value, and the attribute instance. =item C<< builder => Str >> Defines a method name to be called to provide the default value of the attribute. C<< builder => 'build_foo' >> is mostly equivalent to C<< default => sub { $_[0]->build_foo } >>. =item C<< auto_deref => Bool >> Allows you to automatically dereference ArrayRef and HashRef attributes in list context. In scalar context, the reference is returned (NOT the list length or bucket status). You must specify an appropriate type constraint to use auto_deref. =item C<< lazy_build => Bool >> Automatically define the following options: has $attr => ( # ... lazy => 1 builder => "_build_$attr", clearer => "clear_$attr", predicate => "has_$attr", ); =back =head2 C<< confess(message) -> BOOM >> L<Carp/confess> for your convenience. =head2 C<< blessed(value) -> ClassName | undef >> L<Scalar::Util/blessed> for your convenience. =head1 MISC =head2 import Importing Mouse will default your class' superclass list to L<Mouse::Object>. You may use L</extends> to replace the superclass list. =head2 unimport Please unimport Mouse (C<no Mouse>) so that if someone calls one of the keywords (such as L</extends>) it will break loudly instead breaking subtly. =head1 SOURCE CODE ACCESS We have a public git repository: git clone git:// =head1 DEPENDENCIES Perl 5.6.2 or later. =head1 SEE ALSO L<Moose> L<Class::MOP> =head1 AUTHORS Shawn M Moore, C<< <sartak at> >> Yuval Kogman, C<< <nothingmuch at> >> tokuhirom Yappo wu-lee Goro Fuji (gfx) C<< <gfuji at> >> with plenty of code borrowed from L<Class::MOP> and L<Moose> =head1 BUGS All complex software has bugs lurking in it, and this module is no exception. Please report any bugs to C<bug-mouse at>, or through the web interface at L<> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2008-2009 Infinity Interactive, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut