Easy evaluation:
$ xslate -e 'Hello, <: $ARGV[0] :> world!' Xslate
Debugging options ($ENV{XSLATE}; or --debug for xslate(1)):
dump=proto Output preprocessed proto templates
dump=token Output token sequence
dump=denote Output code denotation
dump=gen Output code generation
dump=ast Output abstract syntax tree
dump=asm Output xslate assembly
dump=asm:ix Output xslate assembly with indexes
dump=pp Output Perl code PP::Booster generates
optimize=0 Suppress optimization
Parser's terminology:
arity Symbol class; used while compiling
bp Bond power; or operator precedence
nud Null denotation; processing values and prefix operators
led Left denotation; processing infix and postfix operators
std Statement denotation; processing statements
Callbacks: functios, methods, and macros
tx_call_sv() is a thin wrapper to Perl_call_sv()
tx_funcall() tries to call Perl fuctions
tx_proccall() tries to call macros, or fallback to tx_funcall()
tx_methodcall() tries to call Perl methods, or fallback to tx_proccall()